I left the house just after 7 AM on Friday
(2/24) and didn’t get back until almost 1 PM!!!
First stop was picking up Jan before heading off to the eye doctor’s. He’s very pleased with how I am responding to
the glaucoma drugs and wants to see me again in 4 months. Then we tooled on up to Joann’s, I needed
buttons while Jan bought some fabric.
Then it was back to Himebaugh’s (the Viking sewing machine store) where Jan bought
bobbins. After that we hit Michael’s for
a new baking pan, Trader Joes for a bunch of groceries, then the liquor store
and then home. I’ll tell you…Jan WEARS
ME OUT!!! I had to take a nap once I got
home! One of the HOA board members swung
by around 2 to check out our backyard to bring our proposal before the board at
some point, and I finally headed downstairs around 3 PM. I finally finished up loading and basting a
quilt on Miss Scarlett

before heading to the driveway to set up for our
party. The first driveway party of 2017
and it occurred on February 24 :~). We
had 11 people (but only got pics of a few):
Phil |
me & Evelyn |
Jim & Ann Mary |
Susan |
sitting, eating, drinking, and talking for several hours and it was
wonderful. By the time we cleaned up,
Michael and I were both beat so it was knitting & TV watching. Have you seen that BBC America is doing
PLANET EARTH 2? We watched the first one
and it was incredible….and this series looks to be equally wonderful.
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