Sunday, February 5, 2017

Marc & Kate baby quilt, Pat's quilt

I was up early again Saturday (2/4) determined to make a big dent in my quilt backlog!  My honey helped out by making my breakfast and delivering it to the studio (isn't he just fabulous!):'s an egg on fried potatoes/onions

By 4 PM the Steeler quilt was totally complete (the binding took a long time as the quilt was an oversized King size quilt), and so was Ethel’s quilt  :~):  

We got a call from Marc in the early afternoon, today was the baby shower and our package of quilts got to them in time!!!  Here’s their baby quilt (which Marc said matched the room perfectly….YAY)!  

And my friend Pat also made a quilt for them:  

Marc said they really needed that as they have very few small blankets for the baby…isn’t Pat a sweetie???  I headed upstairs after that to put together a new potato recipe as a side for our leftover meatloaf, and that was dinner before we headed into Charlotte.  When we first hit I-485, we were both pleasantly surprised at the lack of traffic…but the rest of the ride on I-77 more than made up for it…there were 2 accidents which delayed us for 25 minutes.  Luckily, my honey is totally ok with my need for leaving super early :~).  Colin Mochrie was the guest (and we LOVE him from WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY!) along with others stars from The Second City in Toronto.  They had all original music to go with their skits, except for one piece the orchestra played without them…THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO overture….one of my very favorite pieces of music…the string work is incredible and whenever it comes on my IPOD at home, I crank it up like a rock song  :~).  We were home just after 11 PM and read in front of the fire for an hour before bed.  Several poeple have asked me recently when I have time to read....because they think all I do is sew and bake!  But I fit in some reading almost every day...I LOVE to read and there is no better pleasure than snuggling in on a cold day with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book....especially with my honey right beside me reading too!

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