Sunday, March 13, 2016

Orzo salad, Cookie, 3rd cat, 2 fish quilts trimmed, Pat & George, Sharon & Keith, popovers

I think I really pushed myself yesterday because I was moving VERY slowly on Saturday morning(3/12).  Michael was up at 6:30 to head out at 8:30 for golf here at SCCL and I got up at 7 and just drank my tea and did stuff at my computer for 2 hours!!!  I finally roused myself and got a third cat started (when you are embroidering, it’s just as easy to do multiples as it is to do one….especially with appliqué since you also have all of your fabric out in addition to your thread colors).  I’m hoping eventually to do a couple more of these cat quilts and donate them to the local ASPCA for a raffle to raise them some money.  After that I headed upstairs to get my Mediterranean Salad put together for dinner.  This salad is so yummy…and it’s the main reason I grow mint over the summer.   
saute orzo, then add chicken stock & lemon juice/zest

frozen pesto, trying to thaw

chopped mint

craisens & grape tomaotes

mix it all together with a little dressing....yum!

A typical sight greeted me when I got upstairs….

ever since I made the blue quilt, and put it over the back of Michael’s chair…that is where Cookie waits for Michael when he is gone.  She will just sleep there for hours, waiting for him!   

When I came back downstairs, I finished up the third cat 

and also got both fish quilts trimmed and all of the bobbin ends woven in…that always takes a bit of time.  

 I folded those quilts up and set them aside.  I have to make labels for them before binding them and I don’t want to change the embroidery on my disk until I get the fourth cat done.  By then, Michael was home with a 90 from his golf course round.  He wasn’t that happy about his score, but he has been implementing a new driving tip he just read about…and he thought that was working out…so he’s happy about that.  I headed upstairs to set out my ingredients for popovers, since everything is supposed to be a room temperature and also to start setting the table .   

 Pat & George 

 and Sharon & Keith 

 arrived at 6 PM with a yummy avocado/cucumber salad, 

and a smurfy dessert.  

 The chicken on the grill was done to perfection 

and the popovers looked and tasted yummy!

 We had a wonderful dinner and played TRIPOLI for several hours..laughing and groaning through most of it.  We read for just a bit after everyone left and finally fell into bed.

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