Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Triple Chocolate Bread, Clinton hats/etc

Michael headed out for errands Tuesday morning(10/27) and Jan and I headed out to do the same.  First we stopped for breakfast at THE FLYING BICSUIT…OMgoodness….YUM!!  Then we stopped at a shoe store, Lowe’s, Publix and UPS.  I was home by NOON and got a tiny bit of sewing done before Joanne picked me up at 1 PM for Stitch & Chat.  We had 2 people visiting from CHARLOTTE YARN with all of the luscious new fall yarns and with lots of fun patterns.  It was great to see everything new…but I wasn’t even a tiny bit tempted, given the state of my yarn stash :~).  When I was home from S&C, I got working on a Triple Chocolate Bread.  I saw this recipe recently and was intrigued because it used most of a can of pumpkin for moisture.  It turned out yummy (you didn’t taste the pumpkin AT ALL…just the chocolate :~) 

and I sent most of it off with Michael when he left for rehearsal.  I spent the evening continuing to work on the dinosaur quilts…I got all of the rows sewn together, and started to cut out the borders before Michael came home around 10 PM.   

I forgot to include a picture the other day of the new hats/etc dropped off for Clint School…they look really nice:

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