Thursday, October 22, 2015

Elsie & Cookie, quilt of valor 2 almost done

I had trouble sleeping Wednesday morning (10/21), so got up early and got a lot of paperwork done.  I had company while I was doing it:

Yes mom, it's cold...we're gonna snuggle on your blankie!
I had breakfast with my honey before he left at 8 AM for golf, and then had a visit from Sandy F, who wants me to quilt a quilt for her (YAY - a paying customer :~).  After that I headed to my studio to work on the second quilt of valor.  I love Wednesdays because that is generally the day I get to stay home and quilt/sew all day….but in general, I get frequent interruptions that cause me to spend quite a bit of time on the phone.  Some nights when I go to bed and say “what exactly did I do today?”….I know the real answer is that it was a day like today.  Here’s what today was like….someone from our SCCL LIVING magazine called asking about the dates of the Angel Tree drive and when we would also have tables in the lobby to collect money.  That information is on our master calendar, and I looked that up to give to him, but the table dates looked “hinky”, so I put in a call to the secretary to confirm.  The next call was a woman from Chik-fil-a who is doing a pajama ministry and is looking to donate enough pajamas for EVERY child at Clinton School!  She is looking for contacts, so I made several calls to talk to the principal at the school, and I was also looking for a contact at Transformation Church to get in on the pajama drive.  Jan called to tell me something I’ve been looking for, for several weeks, is on sale at a local store.  Willa called to make sure the survey for our quilt group went out.  The treasurer of Volunteers called to ask if she could come and get some of the paper/plastic bags I collected at our last meeting.  Ralph called to talk about our flights in January for Iceland.  One of the Thursday quilters called to ask questions about the survey I sent out this morning.  Two more calls from Ralph about our flights to and from JFK for Iceland.  The Volunteer secretary called back, but she wasn’t sure about the table dates either, so she said she had to call some other people and she would call me back.  There were a few more people calling, but I was desperately trying to get the quilting done, so I didn’t write them down.  All in all, between 9 AM and 5:30 PM I made and/or received TWENTY CALLS!!!  That’s about 19 too many :~).  Anyway, Michael and I had pork chops on the grill for dinner, and I headed back downstairs to finish up the last rows on the second quilt of valor.  I was done 3 minutes before it was time to call Janice for our weekly visit. 
We talked for an hour and were excited about the fact that we will see each other in two short weeks at the Fiber Floozie retreat!  When we were done, I headed upstairs to watch a bit of TV with my honey before bed.

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