Friday, November 15, 2019

SHQ Show & Tell

Michael loaded up my car and I picked up Paula and headed out to quilting on Thursday (11/14).  I started working on my newest quilt…remember this picture of the fabrics:  

I really did NOT want to buy more fabric….but that one yellow on the left was VERY bright (compared to the soft yellow in the focus fabric in the middle).  I was talking it over with Loree at quilting and I felt that once the quilt was finished….all you would see was that screaming yellow….Loree agreed that it was kind of loud….then I flipped it over…and we both agreed it would look MUCH better to sew the wrong side as the right side….I got about 1/2 of my blocks done and I love them  :~).  

We had some excellent show and tell:

I got home after 2 PM, spent about an hour with my honey before heading upstairs to work in the kitchen….this was the note on the island that had greeted me when I got home:  

So I got to work making bread dough (it’s been SO LONG since I’ve made bread!) and cookie dough.  When the bread was done 

we ran 1/2 of a warm loaf up to the guy who gave us the box spring, and 1/2 to the guy who let us use his truck to get it home!  We each had part of the chocolate chip/M&M pan cookie: 

then settled in to watch TV and knit!

Michael was home all day Thursday and over the course of the day, saw a total of FIVE deer in the backyard:

And some wonderful photos of the kids:

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