Sunday, November 3, 2019

I may stop posting to my blog.  There have been so many problems over the last 4 weeks and it takes longer and longer to get a post out.  I've been sitting here for over an hour....I have the words all posted and spaced on my entry, but cannot post any of my pictures.  I know I can't complain too much because this blog is free, and I don't want to upgrade to a better system, which would add another monthly bill to our budget.

My time is vaulable as well and it is no longer a pleasureable experience....instead it has become a source of anger and frustration.

I'm just not sure where the Food & Fiber Floozie blog is going at this was nice while it lasted....

1 comment:

  1. I have always admired the incredible amount of time and effort you have given to this. Not that you are looking for votes, but if it's giving you more angst than pleasure.....


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