Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Basket, cupcakes, spring flowers

When Michael came home Monday night from the board meeting, he started searching for his Easter basket, as I hide it each year.  Each year we normally end uup doing “hot/cold” to finally help him find it….THIS year for some reason, he immediately started looking in the cabinet where I hid it!!!  I think he has hidden cameras in the house!   Anyway, I think he loved everything I put in it:  

 On Tuesday morning (4/7) Michael took off early to run errands, while I got busy making cupcakes.  I’ve had this recipe to try for at least 2 weeks….and I’ve had butter/eggs sitting out on the counter for at least 3 days!!!  I finally figured out that I am always too tired in the afternoon when I think to make them, so I made them right after breakfast.  They turned out really well and taste fabulous (according to everyone I’ve shared them with).  

 They even had a blob of ganache baked into the cupcake itself...but I will probably leave that out next time.  I might make them for the bake sale on Saturday.  Nancy came over at 9:30 and we headed to the studio…I got the backing for a quilt pinned on while we talked and talked.  I asked Joanne (my chocolate friend) to pick me up early for Stitch and Chat so that she could try a cupcake, and we dropped off 2 with Paula on the way up.  When we got up to the Lake House…I asked Joanner to take a picture for me with her phone….the flowers around the rotary just look so pretty and spring-y!!  

 I spent the time at S&C starting a new hat…and just putzed around after I got home.  Michael and I both had ham salad sandwiches for dinner, then he left to see FAST AND FURIOUS 7 with Larry, while I bonded with Barb and Jeannie who came over to visit…they enjoyed cupcakes too  :~)

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