Monday, April 20, 2015

banana bread, Ethyl's quilt, butterflies, tumbling blocks

We were both up early on Sunday (4/19) after a wonderful night’s sleep!  I got banana bread in the oven while Michael took Cookie for a walk.  I made a dozen muffins 

as well as one long loaf.  

 The good news is I took 4 muffins apiece to 2 of my neighbors, the bad news is…I woke one of them up in delivering the muffins  :~(.  That’s part of the problem when I get up really early….I feel like I have been up for hours (which I have) and so it must be late (which is isn’t) and then I don’t look at the clock before I call someone.  After Michael and I had banana muffins for breakfast, we proceeded to clean the house.  Tomorrow afternoon is our regular machine embroidery club meeting.  We decided for the months of April and May, we are going to tour each other’s studios, and I am one of the ones on the hook for tomorrow.  Since I’ll be at a Volunteer meeting for most of the morning, I figured we’d better clean today!  The rest of the day was spent quilting Ethel’s quilt, (I got 7 of the 11 rows done)

stitching out more butterflies(the good news is, once these are done Michael is going to lay them out on the quilt to see how many more, if any, we might need) 

and working a bit on the tumbling blocks.  

can you spot the changes?  this is the old picture

there are several changes here....

Why no working on Michael’s bag?  Because that is a new pattern that I have to think about and concentrate on…and I can’t do that while I’m quilting a quilt…too much of my attention needs to be focused on Miss Scarlett.  I sewed until 8:30…we had Chinese for dinner…yum! and then headed upstairs to watch TV.

1 comment:

  1. Love the extended black background ! It really 'pops'.... mj in ct


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