Friday, May 31, 2019

SHQ Show & Tell, anniversary celebration

I left the house at 9:15 on Thursday (5/30) and picked up Paula on my way to quilting.  I worked on my hourglass quilt while Paula brought a variety of items to work on.  We had great show and tell: 

and by the time I got home around 1:30, my honey was already home from Pinehurst.  The guys he golfed with have invited me for next year, and agreed to pay for my golf lessons, if only I will continue to bake for them  :~).  Michael and I talked for a bit, but both of us were tired, so we took a nap after that!  

I had a few things to get done in my studio, so I spent a couple of hours there before joining my honey for champagne and puffy things:

there was so much fruit in the champagne it was practically a health food!

to celebrate our anniversary.

I'm heading out Friday morning to visit Ginny in Apex, NC, so no blogs for a few days.

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