Wednesday, May 8, 2019

quilting done on 3rd QoV, kitties

We were up early on Tuesday (5/7) and I got several rows quilted before heading out at 9 AM for 2 more eye doctor appointments.  Our glaucoma doctor put us on new drops about 6 weeks ago, and wanted to see if they were working.  She couldn’t really tell with Michael because the antibiotic salve that I’ve been putting on his eyelids (and always migrates into his eye over the course of the day!) has a tendency to raise eye pressure….and the new drops I started have had no effect whatsoever.  So….she changed my prescription and wants to see us again in 5 – 6 weeks  :~(.  We stopped at the COOKOUT on the way home to get chocolate malted milkshakes…and they were out of malt  :~(.  We also stopped at PAPA MURPHY’s for a dinner pizza, and luckily got what we wanted.  We were home by 2 PM and I finished up quilting on the 3rd QoV: 

before my 3 PM meeting.  

While I was gone, the kitties spent the afternoon on the lanair:

I got home at 5:30 and headed right downstairs to continue sewing my blue 4 patch blocks into rows.  Michael made the pizza and it was yummy, and by the time we were done eating it was time for our movie night.  There was nothing at the movies that Larry & Michael wanted to see, so he stayed home and made popcorn, and we watched EASTER PARADE (I taped it a couple of weeks ago).  I am so lucky to have a hubby who likes old movies (as I do) AND he said he had never seen that one!!!  It’s one of my favorites…it turned out to be a great date night!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the movie and us together!!! - but not the popcorn!!!



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