Monday, May 6, 2019

ice plant, 3rd QoV loaded, new quilt started

Michael was back to gardening chores on Sunday morning (5/5), which included taking more pictures of his ice plant:  

another 'photographer in the picture' moment

I can’t believe how many flowers this thing has….it is very pretty beside our front step!  He also got his sunflower and daisy seeds planted in the front, and the rosemary into a pot in the ground before pausing to SKYPE with AJ for about 45 minutes.  

I headed downstairs after that to finish off the last row of quilt #4: 

and to get quilt #5 basted:  

Yes, 4 and 5 are the same….that particular pattern makes 2 quilts at once. 

Michael joined me in the studio for a bit of time in the afternoon, and brought along a yummy grilled ham/cheese sandwich:

for us to split for lunch.  

We were talking about this and that and he said ‘now that the quilt for my cousin is off the table, have you ever thought of making a quilt for our neighbor’?  Well, it was like an explosion went off in my head!  I participate in the Prayers & Squares quilts we make at SHQ for people who are ill, and I’ve even donated several of my own, but my brain never woke up to make one for our neighbor!!!  Even though I’ve been providing meals for months!!!  So, everything else got pushed aside and I dove in.  Her favorite color is navy blue, and I want to get it done quickly, so it’s going to be a rather plain quilt:  

but I bought a new quilting stitch that I think will look AWESOME on the quilt in a variegated blue…so that will be that!  I sewed until 9 PM and have over 1/2 of the 4 patch blocks completed.  After that it was knitting and TV watching.

Normally I would not include something like the link below.  But when we have an occupant in the White House who constantly reiterates that they are ‘so smart’ (and really, what other president has felt compelled to tell the American people…over and over again…just how smart they are?), I figure it’s time to give someone else a voice:

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