Thursday, May 2, 2019

Lucy on pool table, Kristen's customer quilt finished

Wednesday, May 1st – Today is my blog-o-versary….can you guess how many years I have been writing this blog?

I got today’s blog out just before SKYPE-ing with Janice for an hour and a half.  Michael said ‘what can you possibly have to talk about, you saw her just 3 days ago’, but you know women….we filled up the time with lots of stuff!!  

After that it was breakfast, then talking with my honey when he came home from shopping, then watching a MAJOR CRIMES together in the afternoon while cutting black & white strips for another Four Patch Frenzy (thanks Leila!!).  

I had a pile of scraps/batting from the pool table quilt, and in the interest of keeping up with things, I spent quite a bit of time getting them cleaned up.  When I was putting some of the fabric into my scrap drawers, I found out someone else really liked the pool table cover as well:  

I got another QoV laid out: 

but I never did get it basted.  My honey & I spent quite a bit of time reading in the late afternoon....I am reading the 4th in the series (Lethal White) by Robert Galbraith and it is wonderful...I wish I had more time to read it!  We had a late dinner of leftovers before watching TV in the evening.

After several tough challenges, Kristen completed her first customer quilt:  

Didn’t she do a terrific job?

*** MMR – Michael’s Move Reviews ***

SHAZAM!  This is another comic book origin story, this time from DC Comics (not MARVEL).  Also, this one is told with tongue in cheek.  A young boy (age 14) meets up with a dying sorcerer who is looking for the “one” to take over his guardianship of the 7 deadly sins.  All he had to do is say “SHAZAM” and he will be transformed instantly into a super hero.  Finding out about his powers is 1/2 the fun.  But, there is a villain in the piece who wants to steal those powers and of course RULE THE WORLD!!  A lengthy battle ensues, but a 14 year old in a super hero’s body doesn’t always work!  This aspect adds more humor to the tale.  Great special effects and a coming of age story make for a fun film.  I give it 3-1/2 fat quarters out of 5.

Oh, yes…’s been 8 years of writing this blog….I started in May of 2011 and I have enjoyed being able to look back over my life and projects for these past 8 years.  If you’ve enjoyed the blog as well, why not let me know in the comments.


  1. I have enjoyed the blog for all 8 years - it's the only entertainment I have here in Siberia!!


  2. Yes, I love your blog, just as I loved the letters/emails that came before it. So fun to hear what a dear friend is up to in her every day life.

  3. Congrats on your BLOG anniversary ! Love all the photos and hearing about your adventures in food, quilting and
    socializing ! OH, and your kiddos and granddaughter too ! XOOXO


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