Saturday, August 25, 2018

SHQ show & tell

Thursday morning (8/23) was a whirlwind as Michael left early for golf and I got ready and left for quilting.  I got the 2 blocks done to finish the quilt on my design wall (watch right side of quilt): 

Now all I need is 4 dark blue squares for the corners and I can start sewing it together.  I started another quilt exactly like this as my new Thursday project.  I really want to know how many strips of each color to cut, so am going to keep better track on this second one.  We had great show and tell:  

look at the free hand feathers in the border that June did!

I LOVE how that binding makes the aqua squares stand out....perfect!

and after quick stops at the library, CVS and vet’s, I was home just after 2 PM.  I mentioned I stopped at the library….right?  So, you know what that means, I read a book for the rest of the day and evening.  I also didn’t have a lot of energy since the last meal I had was Tuesday night, in preparation for a colonoscopy on Friday. 


Friday (8/24) was my procedure and anyone who has had one done knows that by the time you get to the hospital, the worst is pretty much over  :~).  I do want to put in a little *PSA plug at this moment.  A couple of months ago a friend and I were talking about this procedure at quilting…both of us needed to get one…and both of us were joking (ok, only 1/2 joking really) about how long we could put off having one.  Another quilter sitting nearby overheard us and chimed in.  Now her husband is not very healthy at all, and sometimes complains about his lot in life, and sometimes she says to him ‘well, if you had gone to the doctor when you were supposed to, and if you’d had a colonoscopy when you were supposed to, you might not be in this mess now’.  That certainly put it into perspective for me and I came right home and made my appointment.  Colon cancer is easy to detect and treat if caught early!  So, if you are supposed to have a colonoscopy, and you are procrastinating….PLEASE DON”T!!

Michael had cereal for dinner (since we had lunch between 1 & 2) and left just after 5 PM for rehearsal.  I kept trying to get something going quilt-wise, but had absolutely no energy, but I did finally get some knitting started and that’s a really good thing.  I don’t have many quilting UFO’s…but I have a bunch of knitting UFO’s and they are all at a not fun stopping point.  I finally pulled one of them out last night, studied the directions, found my notes on what I had been doing and actually got a bunch of stitches picked up for the second sleeve of a sweater and knit away until Michael got home.  He brought home small dishes of vanilla ice cream from QT and we sat on our lanair (the nights have been wonderfully cool!):  

eating and talking…it was lovely!

*Public Service Announcement

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