Monday, August 20, 2018

Sally's baby top totally finished

Michael was up and out for golf before 7:30 AM on Sunday (8/19), while I decided I really needed to quilt the small customer quilt I have had loaded up for at least a week!!!  I know why I have been procrastinating.  The last quilt I did was the Hunter’s Star (which is still on the to-be-bound pile).  I used King Tut variegated as my thread, which is much thinner than my usual thread.  So, with this new customer quilt I am back to my regular thread and I am worried about tension issues.  I have ZERO desire to rip out more quilting, hence the procrastination.  BUT, I need to get this done and gone, so I was quilting before 8 AM.  

I had company while I was working...and these pictures are a 'should I or shouldn't I':

Lucy actually did put a paw on Cookie a couple of times (too fast for me to snap a pic), but ultimately did not try to sleep with her  :~).

By 1 PM the small quilt was done:  

and I got it off of the frame and all cleaned up and trimmed.  Bev came by after 3 PM to pick it up, and seemed very pleased.  

I started to sew the baby blocks into rows in the afternoon 

and I worked on that until shortly after 4 PM, when we left to pick up Gale & Phil 

to head out to Luigi’s for dinner.  Michael got the Luigi’s Pizza gift certificate at the FMCP auction in January, and we finally got to use it.  We all got salads, and a HUGE pizza with everything but the kitchen sink on it!  It was YUMMY!  We stopped at Bruster’s (an ice cream place) on the way home because Gale had never been.  

When Michael and I got home, we headed out to 2 different neighbor hoods to hand out flyers, but we were home to relax by 8 PM.  I sewed for a bit more and got the top for the baby quilt totally finished:

JOY THE BAKER ( had another thoughtful article yesterday.  I think it would behoove all of us to think about the countries that have had and still have state run media….and whether or not you want to live in a country like that.  Freedom of the press, and free speech are principles on which this country is founded and it astonishes me that someone holding the highest office in the land, is trying to make people think that is a bad thing. 

(Replacing a free media with a state-run media has always been a first order of business for any corrupt regime taking over a country. Today in the United States we have a president who has created a mantra that members of the media who do not blatantly support the policies of the current US administration are the “enemy of the people.” This is one of the many lies that have been thrown out by this president, much like an old-time charlatan threw out “magic” dust or water on a hopeful crowd).

This article is thoughtful reading for anyone:

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