Thursday, August 23, 2018

baby quilt loaded up, lots and lots of AJ, kitties video

I spent time Wednesday morning (8/22) SKYPE-ing with Janice, while Michael studied his lines.  After that I worked on loading up for the first of 2 baby quilts.  

I really need one of these for September, so I emailed the next quilting customer to ask if she would mind if I did them, and she said ok  :~).  My honey was doing a little bit of gardening and picked a bunch more zinnias for me....truly, these things are like catnip for the kitties!!!  The vase if currently on the mantle....for some reason they haven't figure out how to get up there yet (thank goodness!!!)  

For whatever reason I was struck with terrific stomach cramps in the afternoon that had me out of commission for quite awhile, but finally I said to myself that it was just as easy to sew as it was to lie on the couch and moan, so I got up and worked on the binding for the Hunter’s Star quilt.  Michael left for rehearsal just after 5 PM and by the time he came home the binding was all done!

I have lots of cuteness today...first up, tons and tons of pictures of AJ:

And then another video of the kitties....of course Lucy notices me filming and immediately stops what she is doing.....

1 comment:

  1. AJ - a beautiful and happy girl ! AND loving and happy parents to guide her !


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