Tuesday, August 21, 2018

breakfast at Sally's, MESIG show & tell, kitties

Michael was up and out walking the dog on Monday (8/20) when Ann Mary & Ginny picked me up for our monthly breakfast at Sally’s:  


Ann Mary & Gale

hostess with the mostess....Sally

We ate and talked and talked and talked until 12:20, and I barely made it home in time to leave again for a Machine Embroidery meeting!  It was a good meeting…we had a quiz, but it was really just a chance to talk over things with some fun answers!  As always, show and tell was great:  

I LOVE this flower applique

I LOVE this roly-poly bird!

Michael had lasagna for dinner and I had pizza before he left for rehearsal.  I spent the night in my studio, but was frustrated for part of it.  I got a small customer quilt loaded up:  

but I had several questions.  I was very careful when I wrote down her phone number and email address because I didn’t know her and knew that was all I had to get in touch with her….well, she gave me the wrong phone number!!!  She’s a friend of Jan’s and by the time Jan gave me the correct phone number, it was too late to call!!!  So, I got a label made: 

and started putting the binding on the Hunter’s Star instead, after all, there’s always something else to be done  :~).  I had company during the early part of the evening:

Michael wasn’t home until after 10 PM and we just watched a bit of TV before bed.

When I came home in the afternoon, I was sitting in the living room talking to Michael and the kitties were grooming each other on one of the white chairs.  I managed to get a video:


  1. That video is so sweet! I miss my furry friends a lot!

  2. Such creative ladies - wow - I agree about the roly poly cardinal!!!Cute!

  3. The show and tell from your Embroidery group was spectacular!


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