Tuesday, August 14, 2018

rainbow blocks all done, upscale dessert presentation

Michael was up and out super early on Monday (8/13), but I didn’t get up until 7 AM.  I cleaned up the kitchen a bit, made an ice box cake for later in the evening and finally headed to my studio.  Other than a quick visit from Anne to look at a bit of yarn, I worked on my rainbow blocks and by late afternoon, they were all done:  

I got a bunch of black strips cut for sashing to start putting the blocks together before Connie stopped by for some knitting help.  Well, she thought she needed knitting help, but really she had already figured everything out, so it was nice to just visit  :~).  

Michael and I just noshed for dinner and were happy to welcome Judy and Mike to our house for dessert.  Judy & Mike took the same Canadian trip that we took about 3 – 4 weeks before we did, and we wanted to compare notes.  After all of the desserts on the trip I figured I had to up my game on presentation….so I put down some chocolate sauce on the plate before adding the ice box cake…and then sprinkled some crushed graham crackers on the whipped cream  :~).  

It was delightful to talk to them, they have traveled extensively and are very knowledgeable about many places.  They left before 9 PM and we had time to watch a bit of TV before bed.

For those of you who agree with Trump withdrawing the United States from the Paris Accord (https://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/urgentissues/global-warming-climate-change/the-paris-agreement-what-does-it-mean.xml), maybe you should take 35 seconds to watch this scientific data shown in an easy to understand video; it is totally eye opening: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-century-of-global-warming-in-just-35-seconds/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sa-editorial-social&utm_content=video-post&utm_term=sustainability_


Day 10 – was a long day coming home.  It took over 24 hours to finally get to our house, but Anne was there to greet us with our 3 furry babies!  As wonderful as the trip was, it was great to be home.

Now let’s get caught up on all of the other pictures you missed while I was talking about Canada!

Arizona Mary came through with a beautiful Cinnamon Star Bread...wish I had been there to help her eat it!

And Pat's been going crazy embroidering on hats:

And then there's lots and lots of pictures of AJ:


  1. Phew! Are we finally caught up? Fantastic pics all the way through! Glad you had a wonderful trip. But equally glad you are back home! AM143

  2. GREAT job on the ice box cake presentation !!! Looks fabulous... are you sure I just can't reach through this screen for a piece ????


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