Monday, August 13, 2018

Rainbow moving along, Canada - Day 9

Michael headed out to play golf on Sunday morning (8/12).  His golf schedule will be moving back and forth on Saturdays and Sundays depending on his rehearsal schedule for TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE.  He said he really needs to start doubling down to learn his lines for the second 1/2 of the play…I don’t know how he does it…my brain would be mush!  I got my blog out, did up a few dishes, and headed back to my studio to continue working.  With his golf schedule never the same 2 weeks in a row, I am having a hard time figuring out what day it is anymore  :~).  Anyway, I worked on the rainbow quilt 

and had company while I was doing it:

then Anne came by to drop off her check for Michael’s play…and we talked and talked and talked….then Maryann came by (new quilt customer and friend of Jan’s) and we talked and talked and talked (mostly about how we’re both going to miss Jan a LOT once she moves THIS FRIDAY!!!!!) and finally I was back downstairs working.  Michael left at 5:30 for rehearsal and Jan came over at 6 PM.  She needed to write something for her granddaughter’s high school graduation, so we worked on that for a bit, then she wanted me to look at a bunch of yarn she is getting rid of, then we drove around pod “B” handing out flyers.  I got the backing and batting loaded up on a small customer quilt after Jan left: 

but didn’t get the top basted.  Michael was home just after 9 PM with ice cream, so we settled in to relax, watch TV and chow down!


Day 9 – This was a day of leisure in Banff.  Michael and I got a ride into town and explored all day, including a visit to the Whyte museum (, and we had our farewell dinner with the group:

Our tour director Tommie brought in a retired RCMP 

and he was an incredible speaker.  So interesting talking about his time in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police…and believe me….his wife is a saint!!!  It was a truly great trip, but the people are what really made it.  We had a wonderful group of people that I hope to continue corresponding with.  Here’s just a random sampling of some additional pictures (we have over 500 and that doesn't even count pictues our other travelers are sending us!):

these HUGE baskets were EVERYWHERE!!!

My honey planned and executed a FABULOUS trip and I am so lucky that he likes to do that and that I just get to show up and have a wonderful time  :~)!!

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