Monday, August 27, 2018

Hunter's Star totally finished, blue baby quilt loaded up, FOUST fabric

I slept like a log again Saturday night, but was up in time Sunday morning (8/26) to see Michael off for an early tee time.  I fed the kids and cleaned up the kitchen and made my morning tea before heading to my studio.  First up was getting the second baby quilt loaded and basted:  

After that I set up the program, wound bobbins and kicked off the quilting.  I just used the same pattern as was on the first baby quilt to make it easy on myself  :~).  While that was stitching out, I got to cut into a new FOUST fabric!!!  Remember the black with crayons I used most recently on the Hunter’s Star quilt?  

That bolt is almost finished, so when I went to FOUST I told myself that I was allowed to buy a new bolt to make kid’s quilts.  I found a fabric (when I was looking for fabric for BG) that I just fell in love with.  It is manufactured by Timeless Treasures, so I looked it up on the FOUST website, since they carry many TT fabrics…but they didn’t have it  :~(.  I wrote down the exact name anyway (they had a lot of fabric with similar sounding names), as I wanted to look for it when we went to FOUST….and I found it….they only had ONE bolt and I snatched it right up….I LOVE it!!!!  

Is this not the most fun fabric?!  I can’t wait to make several quilts out of it…so the first one got cut out today:  

Which also included 2 other bolts bought at FOUST:

this is WAY pinker than it appears in this picture!

Michael got home at 2 PM with a 90 (yikes!), and they had a good brunch before coming home.  I worked in my studio until dinnertime, then joined Michael to watch TV and knit for the rest of the evening.  Before I headed upstairs for dinner, the quilting on this second baby quilt was done:

I couldn’t resist this picture….this is the only real way to eat Loree & Reg’s tomatoes, just cut up with a little salt & pepper:

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