Saturday, August 18, 2018

Rainbow Blockhead top done, roses, BG patriotic

Michael and Cookie took off for a walk Friday morning (8/17) while I cleaned up the kitchen, then headed down to my studio.  I am really determined to have the rainbow top totally sewn together by the end of the weekend!!!  I worked on it for just a bit and then it was time to leave for my hair appointment.  I had a nice time at the salon as I saw many friends/acquaintences and we all had a good time talking.  After that it was a quick stop at the grocery store, a visit home to unpack and talk to my honey before leaving again for a hearing aid appointment.  I have been resisting this for far too long, and my honey has been so very patient with me (as have my friends), but I finally sucked it up and went.  The woman I met with was a total delight….we spent a long time together (several hours in fact)….had a LOT of laughs, and I came home with a lot of information to talk over with Michael.  He left for rehearsal about 10 minutes after I got home and after I fed the furry kids and ate dinner, I settled into my studio to keep my nose to the grindstone on the rainbow quilt.  By the time Michael came home from rehearsal:   

YAY!!!  It’s even ahead of schedule….I am so glad this top is done....only know....say it with me now....I CAN START SOMETHING NEW!!!!!!

One of our rose bushes has exploded and Michael picked some blooms to surprise me when I got home from the hearing doc:

You may be able to tell that they are up on the mantle....we can't really put them anywhere else it seems because the kitties latest trick is to find the flowers and bite their heads off!  And then to play floor hockey with the heads  :~(.

And BG has started her Paperclip Patriotic:

I LOVE her fabrics.  

1 comment:

  1. So glad to meet you the other day. I am glad I was able to make you experience a good one.


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