Sunday, August 26, 2018

cookie boxes, quilting done on first baby quilt

I slept like a LOG Friday night and when I got up Saturday morning (8/25) I felt like I finally had some energy back, so while Michael was at the grocery store, I baked a bunch of cookies:  

We wanted to do 2 cookies ‘boxes’ for 2 houses of people who have just moved into SCCL, so once they cooled I wrapped them up (don’t these boxes look much better than the last one?  I measured and drew lines this time so they didn’t come out all catty-wampus!): 

and headed off to hand them out, while also delivering fabric to Pat S.  I only scored 1 house out of 3 (for fabric), but when I stopped on the way home, Marty & Ken pulled into the driveway as I was leaving…SCORE!  

Michael was out walking the dog and doing his lines and didn’t get home again until 11 AM.  I headed straight downstairs to get bobbins wound and start up my quilting.  Within minutes my machine messed up, and it was an hour of ripping before I could start again  :~(.  

While that was happening I got the 4 corner blocks cut for the quilt on the design wall: 

and also got 4 more cut for the new one I’m doing as my new Thursday quilting project.  I had company in the afternoon while Michael ran his emails….my blanket always looks like this downstairs (folded over the back of the sofa):  

This is what it looks like after I have company: 

Cookie considers it her own personal pillow and drags it down and scrunches it around until it is just perfect :~).  I finished up quilting by dinnertime:   

delivered the second set of cookies, and made ghee for Michael (he wanted to try something new with his popcorn).  We had a SHARKNADO marathon, watching #5 & #6 with popcorn and champagne (look at the color of the champagne with frozen blueberries/raspberries/blackberries to keep it cold): 

Those have to be the silliest movies ever  :~).

I know I haven't shown you what I bought at FOUST yet, so it may as well come in dribs and drabs.  How could I resist these:

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I love the quilt with the blue, red, and white squares! Are those American Flags in the middle? says hello to you and Mike :-) I'd love some of those cookies!


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