Thursday, August 30, 2018

beginning of kitty quilt, Half Log Cabin corrected

I had a 7:30 AM meeting with the hearing aid specialist on Tuesday morning (8/29), but was home in time to SKYPE with Janice at 9.  My honey made me a smurfy egg/cheese/spinach/toast breakfast after that 

and I finally got to start sewing by 11:30.  Today was pretty much all about getting the inside of the Half Log Cabin totally together, and starting to make the blocks for the kitty quilt.  By dinnertime the patriotic inside was done, and I had made a good start on the kitty quilt:  

I headed upstairs to feed the kids after Michael left for rehearsal and ended up reading my book for a couple of hours.  Paula stopped by to drop off a check and visit, so we had a good time talking until Michael came home from rehearsal.  He said the evening had gone VERY well, so he was feeling much better about the play opening next week!

OK, back to the conundrum of the Half Log Cabin quilt.  If you draw a line from north to south right down the middle of the quilt, each side should be a mirror image of the other side:

So with that hint, take a minute to look at this again to see if you can find the discrepancy.

Now look at the lower LEFT side (sorry about the gap when putting up that last row.)  If you start at the left side of the bottom row, after the solid blue block you get the bottom of a square, and in the row just above, the second block in makes that into a 3/4 you see that?  But if you look at the bottom right, again, on the last row you have a solid blue square, and then the bottom of a block....but where's the 3rd block to make 3/4 of a square?  It might be easier to see in the pictures of me correcting it.

Here I've ripped off the 2 end blocks and have a space where the original wrong block was (second in from the right on the next to the last row):

BUT, when I put it back on the wall....I screwed up the first block on the right of the next to the last row!!:

AY YI YI!!!  I had to rip and re-sew this so many times that I was afriad the fabric would disintegrate, but eventually it was all corrected:

Now I just need borders and this top will finally be done!  I am so glad I have a design wall....not sure I would have ever gotten this sewn together correctly without it  :~).

And your dose of cuteness for today....more pictures of AJ:

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