Saturday, July 14, 2018

Weaving Group, AJ

Michael headed out to walk Cookie Friday morning (7/13), while I headed to breakfast with the ladies.   After a quick stop at Walmart and ALDI’s (see Mary Jo…I can run errands too  :~), I was home by 11:30.   I put together a cheese & cracker platter and a few cookies:

before heading downstairs to get the 3-D quilt off of the frame.  My weaving group showed up at 1 PM (well, at least Kathy, Carole, Pam & Rosalie) and we had a fabulous time  :~).  

Kathy & Carole

Kathy & Carole



Two of the ladies (Kathy & Carole) helped me to get the PRESS N SEAL off of my customer quilt (I really think they were procrastinating about working on their own projects as they jumped right in to help without even being asked.  Their own projects must have been truly horrible indeed if they thought ripping off my plastic covering was more fun!!)…thank goodness for them or I would be tearing my hair out by now…it was a very persnickety job  :~).  Everyone left around 4:30 after Cookie made a new friend:

and I made a quick trip over to Pat’s to talk about the second bag she is making me, before heading home for a chicken sandwich for dinner.  I sewed a bit in the early evening and got the final 12 quarter blocks done for the Hunter’s Star quilt.  I hit a wall around 9 PM when I finally staggered upstairs to join Michael to watch TV and veg out.

And here's a dose of cute, AJ and company visited a park where they had a mock-up of the Sesame Street set:

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you - 2 new purses! And so customized! Is one or both going on your trip! ?


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