Friday, July 20, 2018

Dennis & Janice, SHQ show & tell, Hunter's Star in rows

Thursday (7/19) was a full and busy day.  Michael left just after 7 AM for golf, while Janice and Dennis had a quick breakfast of asparagus quiche before hitting the road as well:  

Dennis being silly  :~)

I managed to leave the house without my purse, my lunch or a library book for Loree!!  June was gracious enough to share her lunch with me and as well as having a super time, we had lovely show and tell:  

please blow up this picture and the next 3 to see the intricacies of Floy's quilt

this was a quilt-a-long June completed

and her "Big Dream' panel is gorgeous

look at that free motion quilting

Susie told us about the south's lightweight summer quilts

basically embroidered & hemmed muslin....beautiful!

I got home around 2:30 and spent an hour with my honey trying to figure out how to down load e-books onto our new IPAD.  We only got the IPAD yesterday, and even though Michael had a tournament and we had company last night, he got it all charged up and set up.  BUT, it is NOT as intuitive as we were led to believe (ok…maybe it would be for a 7 year old…but not us  :~).  Anyway, after that he settled in to watch the British Open and I headed to my studio to continue doing….stuff!  Hunter’s Star is finally all sewed into rows:

If you’re wondering why rows 3&4 were still stubbornly up on the wall in all of the pictures: 

it was totally operator error at the very beginning of sewing things together.  So, I had to finish all of the other rows and then figure out how to keep those 2 rows in order….but finally all of the rows are done.  I had Ethel’s sleepy company while I was working (on a pile of batting):

So, while Michael was watching the British Open, I ended up watching some old STAR TREK –TNG  (that’s ‘the next generation’ for those of you not up on the lingo  :~).  I needed something that wouldn’t distract me too much while I was sewing.  Now, most of the people who know me well know that I am a STAR TREK/STAR WARS fan (PLEASE don’t confuse the 2…they are nothing alike!!!)  Anyway, the episode I watched was called ‘THE OUTCAST’

One of the characters is talking and has one line that really stayed with me “How dangerous it is to be different.”  Her speech at the end of the show is so compelling.  The next time I signed onto AOL, one of the top stories was about how a federal judge  ruled against a religious organization that refused to place foster children with gay families on religious grounds.  The story continued on to say  “Friday's ruling came just one day after House Republicans advanced an amendment that would allow adoption agencies that receive public funding, like Catholic Social Services, to refuse to work with same-sex couples on religious grounds.”  The key phrase in that last sentence is public funding; what happened to separation of church and state?   Would they be allowed to refuse to place children with families that were Muslim?  Remember yesterday when I talked about groups of people deciding to deny rights to others who are not ‘us’?  Here’s a perfect example.  If you get a chance, and if you try to view it with an open mind, I would invite you to watch the episode THE OUTCAST, and maybe your mind might be expanded just enough to recognize that love and acceptance, not hate, is the answer. 

1 comment:

  1. I gave up trying to figure out how you were sewing those rows together ! LOL Junes panel is gorgeous...Janice and Dennis look like they're already retired ! ;) Hope you had a great visit.


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