left super early for golf on Wednesday (10/23) and I got a little paperwork
done before settling down for my 40 minute phone call from Janice. We talked about a lot of good things….but she
waited until the last 30 seconds of the call to tell me about an insurance claim where
someone’s car was BLOWN UP!!!! I was all
excited to hear about it…..but she had to go L.
Oh well, it was an exciting ending to the phone call. I worked for most of the rest of the day
putting my sewing room back in order.
When you do craft fairs, you end up packing up a bunch of stuff, that
you then have to unpack and put away when you get home. Plus I have a stack of fabric that I haven’t
yet catalogued, so I worked on that a bit.
I was VERY surprised when Cookie started whining at 11:30, and I went
to the door and Michael was home already!
He said he only played 10 holes and that his arms and legs felt like
they weighed 500 pounds apiece. These
long, late night rehearsals 5 nights a week are really taking a toll (not to
mention this week will be 7 days straight of rehearsing and performing). I put him to bed for a nap, and he said he
felt much better after that. I made Rice
Crispy Treats with chocolate topping for him to take to rehearsal:
these were the very few I left home for him, which was
good because everyone SNARFED the rest down! |
and I spent the night knitting and watching TV.
goodness Michael packed all of my stuff into the car for quilting on Thursday
(10/24) or I never would have made it. I
had 5 large bags of plastic bags and 2 paper bags of food for Loree to take to
the local food bank, my serger and a box of fabric to make charity pillow
cases, my knitting bag, a bowl I needed to return to someone and a quilt that
someone wants repaired. I made a good
start on the pillow cases, but wasn’t able to finish them before heading for
home around 1. I worked on them in the
afternoon, stopping to make ravioli for dinner (that Michael said was great!):
finally finished the pillow cases around 7 PM:
I got 10 of these done for little boys... |
and 2 more of the princess ones for little girls
(I already finished a bunch of princess ones
previously) |
spent the rest of the evening working on my first baby sweater.
One of
the women at Thursday quilting (Linda) convinced her hubby to loan me his
FITBOT for 2 weeks while he wasn’t using it.
You probably know that we’re all supposed to be getting 10,000 steps a
day for optimal health. I checked it
when I went to bed and found out I am doing a dismal 4,000 steps L. I’m
going to try to improve over the next 2 weeks….we’ll see.
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