Saturday, October 5, 2013

Debra and I had a lovely early morning visit to Joann’s on Friday (10/4) followed by a lovely visit from Jan at home.  In the afternoon, it was once again….nose to the sewing machine as I continued to work on tote #3.  Nancy stopped by in the late afternoon, and once again, I WOVE while we were talking (yes folks…you heard it here first….weaving for the second time in one week…I’m back, baby!!)  Michael and I had ribs (from the crockpot) for dinner and headed into Charlotte to see BLOODY, BLOODY, ANDREW JACKSON…an interesting telling of President Andrew Jackson’s life and his effect on the America we know today.  Before the play started, the cast was offering opportunities to play ‘corn hole’ on stage…Michael played and won a drink from the bar.  I learned lots of things about Jackson…the saddest was that the government of today seems very much like the (corrupt and wealthy-old-boys-club) government of the early 1800’s…is that the epitome of ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’  L?  Anyway, we were home by 10:30 and read for a bit before bed.

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