packed up Italian Wedding Soup, Mexican Chicken Soup and Elephants Chicken Soup
on Tuesday morning (10/29) and headed off to visit Becky (one of the Fiber
Floozies) who had surgery on both feet about 2 weeks ago. She lives in Monroe, which is about 45
minutes away, but I have been to the town before, so knew how long the trip
would be. I can’t believe she is walking
already!!! Very slowly, and with boots
on both feet, but walking none-the-less.
We had a wonderful visit and I got to meet 2 of her sons-in-law as well
as her mom, who all stopped by. I headed
home, picking up a sandwich for lunch in Waxhaw, and only got to Stitch &
Chat a tiny bit late. Everyone LOVED the
baby sweater…I think because it is so small, it just looks even cuter, and I am
excited to start the next one. I got
home from S&C just after 3 and spent a bit of time downstairs with the dog
so that Michael could get in a quick nap (he’s still recovering from rehearsing
and performing). We had a light dinner,
then he took off for the movies with Larry, while I stayed home and knit on a
new baby sweater.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
bread, pizza, baby sweater
I got
up early on Monday morning (10/28) because I wanted Michael to have fresh bread
for breakfast. After I shaped the loaves
Sunday night, I just popped them into the fridge to rise overnight. The house smelled heavenly when they were
arrived at 9:30 and we spent a wonderful couple of hours talking and knitting
before she left (with 1/2 a loaf of
fresh bread) to pick up Cooper (her 4 year old) at day care. I spent 2-1/2 hours on the internet and
searching through my recipes, trying to come up with the perfect egg roll
recipe, then decided I needed to be productive, so started working on another
set of shawls.
I had
leftover roll dough, so we had mushroom & pepperoni pizza for dinner:then snuggled on the couch and watched some of our shows. I finally finished the first baby sweater:
Monday, October 28, 2013
pot stickers, bread, champagne
I did
grocery shopping Sunday morning (10/27) while Michael was cooking the bacon and
we both had a wonderful, late breakfast.
We were finished by 11:30 and I started to brown the pork for pot
stickers. You know, I felt guilty a few
days ago when I was making ravioli, because the process for pot stickers is
pretty much the same. Michael loves
them, and we haven’t had them in AGES….so, since I knew we were doing champagne
and puffy things for dinner Sunday (to celebrate that Michael will have 3 days
off in a row…something he hasn’t had for about 8 weeks) I spent about an hour
putting together 70 potstickers and getting them in the freezer (they cook
directly from freezer):
Then it was back to knitting….even though my hands are hurting, I am anxious to see my first baby sweater…I think it already looks very cute (although VERY small)! Michael called at 5:15 to say they were on their way home, and I mixed up sandwich bread dough and Planter’s Punch before he got home:
We had
champagne and puffy things for dinner:
Sunday, October 27, 2013
We got
a REALLY late start on Saturday (10/26), and I barely got a little paperwork done
before we left for the movies. Michael
hasn’t been able to have his usual Tuesday movie nights (because he’s been
rehearsing) so he really wanted to go.
We saw GRAVITY in 3-D…it was AWESOME…I would recommend this movie to
anyone (and definitely see it in 3-D if you can….they should win an OSCAR for
special effects)! We were home by 3:30
PM and I decided I had to buckle down and get rid of the papers on my desk that
have been piling up (the most important being the minutes of our last volunteer
meeting). Michael took a shower while I
was working…while his faithful companion waited on his sweatshirt:
We had
a reprise of Friday’s dinner again on Saturday and Michael left around 6 for
another performance and I spent the night knitting. I am making good progress on the second 1/2 of
the baby sweater….but my hands are really feeling the fact that I have been
knitting so much. I need to figure out
what my next sewing project is…and soon J.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
soup making, leaf drawing, xmas pillow cases, soup & bread
We got
to sleep in a bit on Friday (10/25) after a mid-night bedtime on Thursday night
and by the time I IM’ed with BG and got 2 days worth of a blog entries done, it
was 10 AM. I headed back upstairs to
chop everything up for the Elephant Chicken Soup I will be making for dinner (if
I wait until 3 PM I never feel like doing it J), and to mix up rolls to go with the
I finally got to hit my sewing machine around 1:30 and polished off 2 Christmas pillow cases for Jan to give as gifts to her grandkids:
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an action shot, just getting ready to smash my garlic |
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you can see my bag of veggie trimmings that I keep in the freezer until I have 3 or 4, then I make veggie stock. and the bowl of already chopped onions & celery |
of you may know that I started making soap about 10 years ago. At that time, I lived in Connecticut and BG
and I drove to an oil distribution center in Massachusetts to pick up 150
pounds of palm kernel, olive, coconut and castor oil to make soap. (Yes, that’s how real soap is made,
with some kind or kinds of oil/fat and lye.
Most (all?) commercial soaps today are not made that way, instead they
are some sort of detergent formula).
Anyway, I have finally exhausted most of my supply of oils (and soap)
and it is time to make more. I have
tried to find oil near me to no avail, and having oil shipped to you is
prohibitively expensive due to the weight.
BG and I were talking one day and she was trying to find me some oil
(because when she came for a visit, she remembered how much she likes my soap
(I have a bar in the guest room shower) and I told her if she found me oil at a
good price, I would make her some J), and she said ‘too bad you don’t have a
way to get oil from CT to SC because I would definitely drive back to MA and
pick it up for you’. On a whim I wrote
to 2 ladies that I know go to CT a lot and said ‘is there any chance you ever
drive when you go to CT, and if yes, would you ever have room to bring back
several large packages, and if yes, would you be willing’? Carol immediately wrote back to tell me that
she would be in CT on October 24th and would be happy to bring stuff
back for me…SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!! So, BG
drove to MA last Friday and picked it all up, and BG and Carol are meeting
today for the trade off. Anyway, palm
kernel oil is hard as a rock at room temperature (I still have a lot of that),
and I want to make soap as soon as I get the other oils, so the whole time I
was downstairs, Michael had the fire on, with the large plastic container of
palm kernel oil sitting in front of it.
When I went upstairs, I measured out 4 portions of that oil (that took
almost 1/2 an hour…it was still that hard) so that I can hit the ground running
when Carol delivers everything else. By
the time that was done (and the soup fixin’s and the roll dough), it was 12:30
and I was STARVING, having never had breakfast OR lunch (except for my habitual
morning tea). I stopped and made a
couple of diet pizzas (an old, old Weight Watchers recipe that I still love),
then headed downstairs to work on an art project with Michael. This is the first time we are trying
something new and I can’t wait to debut it in the future if it works out….it
involves leaves…and I just love leaves J.
This pen and ink drawing, that Michael completed years ago, remains one
of my favorite pieces of art in our house:
I finally got to hit my sewing machine around 1:30 and polished off 2 Christmas pillow cases for Jan to give as gifts to her grandkids:
bought the fabric about a week ago, and since my serger was already set up, it
was easy to run them up for her. At 3:30
I headed upstairs to actually make the soup (and bake the rolls) and Michael and I watched a bit of TV while
and he
headed off to OPENING NIGHT of ARSENIC & OLD LACE at 6 PM. Jan
and Walt swung by on their way home from a volleyball game to take home a quart
of soup. I have 2 other quarts frozen
for woodworker Bob and Donna & Lee and we still have a quart left for
dinner on Saturday. I’m hoping to visit
Becky next week (she had surgery on her feet) and take the last quart to
her. It’s a good thing I doubled the
recipe we got dinner out of it, and then 5 additional quarts J. I knit for the rest of the evening and am
about 1/2 way through my first baby sweater.
Michael didn’t get home until mid-night, and we didn’t make it to bed
until 1 AM!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
rice krispy treats, ravioli, charity pillow cases
left super early for golf on Wednesday (10/23) and I got a little paperwork
done before settling down for my 40 minute phone call from Janice. We talked about a lot of good things….but she
waited until the last 30 seconds of the call to tell me about an insurance claim where
someone’s car was BLOWN UP!!!! I was all
excited to hear about it…..but she had to go L.
Oh well, it was an exciting ending to the phone call. I worked for most of the rest of the day
putting my sewing room back in order.
When you do craft fairs, you end up packing up a bunch of stuff, that
you then have to unpack and put away when you get home. Plus I have a stack of fabric that I haven’t
yet catalogued, so I worked on that a bit.
I was VERY surprised when Cookie started whining at 11:30, and I went
to the door and Michael was home already!
He said he only played 10 holes and that his arms and legs felt like
they weighed 500 pounds apiece. These
long, late night rehearsals 5 nights a week are really taking a toll (not to
mention this week will be 7 days straight of rehearsing and performing). I put him to bed for a nap, and he said he
felt much better after that. I made Rice
Crispy Treats with chocolate topping for him to take to rehearsal:
and I spent the night knitting and watching TV.
finally finished the pillow cases around 7 PM:
One of
the women at Thursday quilting (Linda) convinced her hubby to loan me his
FITBOT for 2 weeks while he wasn’t using it.
You probably know that we’re all supposed to be getting 10,000 steps a
day for optimal health. I checked it
when I went to bed and found out I am doing a dismal 4,000 steps L. I’m
going to try to improve over the next 2 weeks….we’ll see.
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these were the very few I left home for him, which was good because everyone SNARFED the rest down! |
goodness Michael packed all of my stuff into the car for quilting on Thursday
(10/24) or I never would have made it. I
had 5 large bags of plastic bags and 2 paper bags of food for Loree to take to
the local food bank, my serger and a box of fabric to make charity pillow
cases, my knitting bag, a bowl I needed to return to someone and a quilt that
someone wants repaired. I made a good
start on the pillow cases, but wasn’t able to finish them before heading for
home around 1. I worked on them in the
afternoon, stopping to make ravioli for dinner (that Michael said was great!):
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I got 10 of these done for little boys... |
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and 2 more of the princess ones for little girls (I already finished a bunch of princess ones previously) |
spent the rest of the evening working on my first baby sweater.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
charity hat(s), animal print shawl, Elsie & Cookie a trois
I feel
like I got a lot done on Tuesday (10/22) but don’t really have a lot to show
for it yet. I finished my last charity
hat (so I’m glad I met my goal for this year…I wanted a box of hats by the time
it started to get cold):
Now I
just have to finalize where they will be donated. My next goal is a box of baby sweaters for
the Pregnancy Care Center, by the end of 2014.
So, I spent quite a bit of time setting up my knitting basket for
sweater production, and getting a bunch of yarn wound. Then I looked around my studio, and it is
OVERFULL!!! I spent many hours ironing
and cutting (previously washed) fabric so that I can hopefully serge 10 charity
pillow cases at quilting on Thursday.
Michael and I had a big lunch, and he packed a sandwich for rehearsal
and left at 5 PM. I spent the evening
putting fringe on the second animal print shawl:![]()
Michael arrived home at 10:40. We talked for a bit and finally had lights out by 11:30 PM. We both said we’re getting too old for this J.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
was up at 6 AM for golf on Monday (10/21), while I lazed in bed until
7:30. I got a bunch of paperwork done before
heading up to the Lake House for my volunteer meeting. It was in the 40’s when I left the house, and
I took the golf cart, so I once again got to wear my entrelac sweater. After the meeting, I hit the library and the
bank on the way home. While I was in the
bank, another customer asked me if I had knit my sweater….when I said yes, she
told me how beautiful it was and asked if it was a Kaffe Fassett design. Kaffe Fassett is a big time designer in the
knitting and needlework world, and I also believe he has a line of fabrics out
and quilt designs. I told her ‘no, it’s
a Debbie Devokaitis design….and that’s me’!
She has had to give up knitting due to carpal tunnel, and I told her
that I sympathized ….I can’t imagine if I had to give it up. I can’t knit for long periods of time anymore…but
as long as I’m careful my carpel tunnel doesn’t bother me too much. Jan picked me up about an hour after I got
home and we headed off to Joann’s. I
bought 6 things, and got to use all 6 of my 40% - 50% off coupons…..SCORE! We also stopped at WALMART on the way home
(groceries) and I finally got home close to 4 PM. Michael and I had 1/2 an hour to connect,
then Willa picked me up to go to the YORK COUNTY QUILT GUILD auction. It was lots of fun…and I saved Michael a ton
of money by not buying anything J. We were home by 8:30 and I gave Laure Dickson
a call and we proceeded to talk for 1-1/2 hours! That was terrific, we haven’t connected in a
long time. She was in Columbia, SC
recently, and I told her when she gets down there again, please give me a call
and I will drive down and see her.
Michael was finally home by 10:45 and we watched a FRAZIER before
collapsing into bed.
Monday, October 21, 2013
craft fair
was up at 6:30 AM on Saturday (10/19) for an early tee time and I hopped up as
well to gather everything I needed for the fair and load the car. I was at the Lake House by 8 AM and was all
set up by 9:30. The fair officially
opened at 10, but people were already shopping by the time I was set up. I couldn’t believe how many people told me
how beautiful my display was (which I really appreciated since I know
presentation is not my strong suit, so I try to work hard at it), and several
women went so far as to tell me that my merchandise was also the nicest they
saw…but it didn’t seem to matter, I didn’t do nearly as well as I have in
previous years L. Check
out the display, and be sure to notice the 2 beautiful ‘smurf ladders’ that my
friend built for me:
and Beth both helped me with the booth, and Michael arrived at 2 to help pack
up….feeling very pleased with the 82 he shot on the golf course. We were home by 3 Pm and I was so exhausted I
just sat and read my book while Michael took everything out of the car. At 5:30 we headed over to pick up Sue and Dennis
and then went to the dinner theatre at Fort Mill Community Playhouse. Dinner was wonderful and the play was
absolutely terrific! We knew several members
in the cast, and stayed to congratulate them before heading home. We read for a bit before bed, but by 11:30 we
were both very beat and finally collapsed.
Sunday (10/20) Michael and I had a nice breakfast in the living room, while reading the
paper. He left at 11:30 AM for rehearsal…..and
got home at 10:30 PM!!! Yes, an 11 hour
day for him…this is the beginning of h-ll week and he will be out every night,
with the play opening on Friday. While
he was gone, I kept trying to tell myself to get up and be productive, but
instead sat in the living room and read 2 of my library books! I’ve now finished the next 3 murder mystery
books by Mindy Starns Clark (The Trouble with Tulip (2005), Blind Dates Can Be Murder (2006), Elementary,
My Dear Watkins (2007)) and I loved them.
I think I’d better not request a hold on any more books until I get
something done around the house. Michael
was exhausted when he came home and we headed for bed.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Elsie & Cookie, paisley humbug, leopard shawl
left to run errands on Friday (10/18) morning and I headed downstairs to start pricing
and pulling my stuff together for the
craft fair. I did have company while I
was working:
I had
to add fringe to one more side of one of my leopard shawls first, so I did
that, but when I went to stitch it on, I had teal thread on my machine…so I
said ‘just finish the last humbug bag’ so I did that first:
stitched down the fringe on my new shawl:
I got
Mexican chicken soup in the crockpot (in the morning) and spent the rest of the day in the
studio, pricing stuff and generally trying to get organized. At dinnertime I sent soup off with Sally
(with a loaf of cornbread) and soup off with Donna, and Michael ran some soup
and the last of the cornbread up to Bob to thank him for building my beautiful
display racks.
I was
exhausted in the evening and basically just sat and watched TV until bedtime.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Christmas table runners, paisley humbug bags
spent Thursday (10/17) at Scrap Happy Quilters!
Michael and I packed up most of my stuff Wednesday night, so that in the
morning I only had to grab my egg salad and cheese and cream cheese and
jam. I left the house after 8, picked up
Debra, and we headed off to Osceola Methodist.
I didn’t get home until 8 PM (by which time Michael had already left for
rehearsal) and I was beat. I didn’t even
unpack the car (except for the leftover food).
I got 2 table runners quilted and bound:
When I
got home, I poured a glass of Amaretto over ice and read my book until Michael
got home at 10:30…that about sums up the day.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
left at 7 AM for golf (I never even heard him get up) on Wednesday (10/16) and
even though he crabbed about double bogeying 17 & 18, he still came home as
low man with an 83. I hopped up before
7:30 and immediately headed downstairs to get a bunch of work done before
Janice called me at 9. When I came back
upstairs to shower, change and get ready for my phone call, someone was
snuggled up in bed:
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
chocolate pound cake, pizza, chocolate truffle cookies
got to sleep in on Tuesday morning (10/15) and I spent the morning working on
shawls. I had a quick lunch and was
ready for Joanne at 1 PM for Stitch & Chat.
We had a good time, but left just a tiny bit early so that I could get
all of my cooking/baking done before Michael left at 5:30 for rehearsal. I made a chocolate pound cake:
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before cheese (broccoli on one side, spinach mushroom on other |
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Adafter cheese |
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after baking |
for us
for dinner and some cookies:
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mocha chocolate truffle |
his cookie jar.
I headed back
to studio after he left to work on shawl….got 2 shawls all sewn, worked on
fringe for a bit, then started to go through old pictures. Someone is retiring at TIC and I have some
pictures to send for retirement party.
That took me until 10:40 when Michael got home.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
left early for golf on Monday (10/14) and I got a bit of work in on a new set
of shawls before Jan picked me up at 10:30.
We went out to lunch at CITY TAVERN, then headed to Michael’s. I picked up some artist’s canvas for a new
craft I hope to try. We wanted to stop
at WALMART on the way home, but didn’t realize it was a holiday (Columbus Day)
and the parking lot was PACKED!!! So we
just turned around and headed for home.
I spent the afternoon and all evening (except for an hour visit to the
vet for Cookie’s ears) in the studio, working on new shawls. Michael came home from golf with an 87, and
after a nap, a shower and a fast dinner, left for rehearsal at 5:30 and got
home at 11.
Monday, October 14, 2013
hydrangeas, cruise purses
got a few late blooming hydrangeas picked on Sunday (10/13):
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I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but the light part of the purse is silver lame. I'm trying a few 'evening' purses this year, |
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