Monday, May 18, 2020

yummy breakfast, 'pattern' for OBW

Michael was up and out with Cookie Sunday morning (5/17) while I got my blog out, then proceeded to use up (just a bit) of flour making pancakes!!  We had a FABULOUS breakfast:  

pecan pancakes

there was one potato left in the larder

and a bit of bacon left from last week

and Cookie was patiently waiting to lick the plates:

After that I just lazed in the living room for several hours…..I played some games on my tablet, then dozed for quite awhile…and finally motivated myself to move to the studio.  

OH MY WORD….several/many hours later…having had pen/graph paper/calculator in hand…and multiple consultations with Michael, I think I have an idea of how my One Block Wonder will eventually be put together…and how big my center design needs to be.  Actually, first it came out to be 52ish’’ by 38ish’’, and I don’t have enough leftover fabric for that.  I figured out that if I added another full row of blocks to the top and bottom (and yes, I have enough to do that), my center panel/design should only have to be 40ish’’ by 38ish’’ and I think I can manage that.  I may have to have my final borders be 4 – 5 inches instead of 6 inches….but I’ll figure that out at the end.  Here’s what I eventually came up with:  

shows full dimension of quilt, plus where just the top of the bed would be

my first attempt at placing blocks...which was TOTALLY wrong!!! I'm getting the hang of it

finaly notes....I think this is all I'll need to place blocks correcly and sew together.....we'll see!!!

By then it was after 6 PM, and I was starving, so I headed upstairs for leftover Chinese.  The ISS went over again at 8:49 PM and we were out there to watch it.  It’s harder to see it starting in the summer because all of the leaves are out on the trees…blocking out a good portion of the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. Picture me bowing to you with my hands extended in praise and worship...


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