Saturday, May 23, 2020

getting all caught up

Current Corona Virus Deaths in the US - 97,663 

                                             Thursday - 94,963

Someone asked why I am posting these numbers.  Six to seven weeks ago, when we were at around 60,000 deaths, Dr Fauci (now having been dismissed by Trump becasue Fauci wouldn't agree with Trump on many things, but especially that the pandemic is basically over and there was no longer any need for Corona briefings) predicted that we would be at 120,000 deaths by August 1st.  I have a friend who disagreed and doesn't really believe that is going to happen or somehow that this really isn't a big deal.  I disagree, so I decided to post what is happening on a daily basis.  Deaths are still going up at over 1,000 people per day.

I had time to do a little kitchen clean up and get my blog out Wednesday morning (5/20) before SKYPE-ing with Janice for TWO hours!!!!  My honey came home from golfing within 10 minutes of my being done and we sat in the living room and talked for quite awhile before I finally headed to my studio.  I spent the rest of the afternoon getting a HUGE backing loaded on my frame for a customer quilt…and I have no idea at this point (Friday morning) what we had for dinner or what we did the rest of the evening!  

It was a rainy day Thursday (5/21), but Paula managed to arrive for our retreat during the 2 minutes that it stopped!  We had a wonderful day:

with Paula mostly sewing on her latest QoV to use up all of her scraps.  I finished sewing together my thirty 8’’ QoV blocks, and my honey put them up on my design wall:  

I must have liked this pattern when I saw it long ago…but am feeling rather underwhelmed about it now (and Michael agreed).  I will definitely finish it up though, because as I have found time and time again…someone will think it is beautiful!!!  Cookie visited with us during the day (spending a lot of time squished behind me on my chair, but as usual, also moving around):

And when Ethel finally visited us in the late afternoon, first she was facinated by my cookbook shelf:

Here's Paula trying to get a good picture of Ethel:

And finally succeeding:

Before Ethel decided the heavy plastic bag on the table was much more comfortable:

her tail looks HUGE!!!

We had leftovers for dinner and I finally got buttons sewn on my newest AJ sweater….pictures once it is blocked.  

I was riding my bike by 7:30 AM Friday morning (5/22) before heading to the chiro.  I got some bad news in the morning; a friend’s husband was admitted to the hospital on Thursday morning with a blood clot in his brain.  At this point in time it is affecting his speech and movment….Please pray for my friend Pam and her husband Bill.  

Paula arrived for the second day of our retreat: 

and we had furry company while we were sewing:

Paula brought us a terrific lunch:  

she made jalapeno poppers and I had some sausage balls in the freezer

as well as taste tests on 4 different crunchy items!  My honey was home just at the tail end of our lunch, with THREE birdies, one on a par 3, one on a par 4 and one on a par 5!!!!

Paula's machine started squeaking in the afternoon and we decided it needed to go to Reg for service….along with her other machine which was having very bad tension issues.  Loree said she would text me when they got home from shopping.  In the meantime I got a call from the library in Lancaster that they had a book they had bought specifically for me!  Loree texted and Paula and I packed up my car and headed to Loree's house.  After we dropped off the machines, we headed further into Lancaster and Paula said ‘‘where are we going….I thought we were only going to Loree’s…I don’t have a wallet or any identification’’.  I said ‘’it’s fine….I have money and we’re only going to the library in Lancaster’’.  Wouldn’t you know it…on the way there my phone signaled an alert of a tornado warning and Paula said '‘great…they’ll find my body and have no idea who I am’’’.  I handed her a piece of paper and said ‘’here, write your name and number on this and stick it in your bra…then they’ll know who you are’’.  You know….we always have a good time when we are together.  Eventually we were home after some pretty severe thunderstorms and Michael made pierogis for dinner….yum!!

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