Wednesday, May 20, 2020

8'' squares started for QoV, June's One Block Wonder

Current Corona Virus Deaths in the US - 93,559 
                                             Yesterday - 92,036


Michael and I both spent over an hour on the lanair Tuesday morning (5/19), enjoying the morning.  Once I headed downstairs, I wanted to work on those 8’’ squares I found.  I started to cut and sew them together….revising my directions as I went, since I decided I wanted a larger size quilt….AND sometimes my brain is not fully turned on when I am doing ‘quilt math’  :~).  

That took me until the afternoon when Paula picked me up to run errands around SCCL....which was wonderful as I was feeling a bit punk-y.    Her good deeds earned us some SUPER soft elastic that we will use to make masks!  I got to SKYPE with BG in the late, late afternoon before skipping dinner as my honey wanted to have a popcorn and movie night (with champagne of course!!)…and we watched MINIONS…guaranteed to make anyone more cheerful in these somewhat trying times.  

I finally finished off one of the ‘little sweaters for Africa’ while we were watching, out of some leftover yarn:  

June has created another beautiful One Block Wonder….wait until you see the difference her border makes (you need to click on these pictures to blow them up!!):

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