Friday, May 1, 2020

sleeping 'beauty'?, Paula's baby quilt, Elephant Chicken Soup

Today, Friday May 1st is my blog-o-versary!!  I have been writing this blog, almost every day for NINE years!!!  I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed....and I am very grateful for every person who has ever left me a comment, or been inspired to do something because they have seen it in the blog, or learned something you didn't know and wrote to tell me about it.  THANK YOU!!!

***** OK, I guess it wasn't as obvious as I thought.....Anne's birthday gift was 3 rolls of toilet paper!!!   ****

I got up to take the dog out at 6:30 AM on Thursday (4/30) and here's where Michael found me 45 minutes later:  

I wanted to listen to the rain, unfortunately it was raining too softly for me to I fell back asleep!

Michael left for a few errands after breakfast, which turned into a VERY l-o-n-g day.  It started because we picked up another nail in a tire.  I was afraid this would happen when I saw our neighbors across the street getting a new roof.  This is the 4th tire in 13 years that this has happened to, always because someone is getting a new roof!!!  Anyway, when the tire store looked at our tires, the tread was very worn, so he ended up buying 4 new tires and the place was EXTREMELY busy, so Michael had to wait at least 2 hours until the tires finally got installed, before even starting his errand list!  

In the meantime, Paula came down to start our weekly retreat.  Marge (a fellow quilter) had set up a ZOOM session so that we could bond a little with our other friends.  

It was wonderful to see people and to talk about what we were working on…and only one comment gave me pause.  Someone felt very sorry for their grandchild who would not have graduation ceremonies this year.  I understand what a blow that might be…..but my mind wandered back more than 40 years to my own high school graduation years to get some perspective.  Yes, we did have graduation ceremonies, but the draft was going on and right after graduation young men were sent to Vietnam, regardless of whether or not they wanted to go.  And if you wander back another 40 or so years, graduates were in the Great Depression.  So, I hope that gives us all a little perspective…..each generation certainly has its challenges, but some are much worse than others.  Being asked to stay home and sit around and give up graduation may cause boredom, but I feel it is not much to ask in the scheme of things.  

Paula and I sewed until around 2 PM, (she brought down her completely finished baby quilt for show and tell):

when we headed out on the golf cart to accomplish some errands of our own around SCCL.  

When I got back home, I spent a bit of time organizing my studio and ironing binding before heading to the kitchen to start our dinner.  It was a very raw day here and soup was on the menu….specifically Elephant Chicken Soup:  

start heating an olive oil/butter mxiture

sauete an onion/celery mxiture

bloom multiple spices in the hot oil

a little flour for thickening

add in barley/stock/tomatoes and simmer for 45 minutes before
adding chicken and cream.....yum!!

We were finally ready to eat around 6:30 and Michael said the soup was delicious!

June was insprired by yesterday's blog:

Arizona Mary and Jan had anothe retreat of their own....Jan is working on aprons for gifts at a family reunion this summer, while Mary is working on a quilt she started at the QUAP retreat this  year:

Arizona Mary



  1. LOL only in today's times would TP be appropriate for a present. I thought it might be jelly rolls for another quilt for her but then figured you would not go out and purchase that.

  2. Forgot!! Congratulations on 9 years.


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