Sunday, May 17, 2020

quiche, retreat day #2, totally finished men's quilt

My honey left early for golf and I made a long run to the grocery store first thing on Saturday (5/16) (and scored 10 pounds of KAF flour as I was running low.....then my wonderful friend Paula, who knew I was running low, also brought me 5 pounds (somehow she and I were in Harris Teeter at exactly the same time.....but didn't see each other) now I have 15 pounds of flour....if you are getting low let me know!!)  and was home in time to put together 2 quiches (for our subsequent lunch):  



swiss cheese

thinly sliced onions

before Paula arrived around 9:30 AM.  We sewed until 3 PM, Paula made a large variety of masks: 

while I finished the binding on the second men’s quilt:  

got the borders on the final Curvy Rectangles QoV: 

and got the 16 extra feather blocks sewn together:  

We had company while we were sewing:

Paula left around 3 PM and I started my search.  I can’t remember if I’ve already talked about this in the blog, or just with a few friends….so if you already know this…skip ahead a bit.  Anyway, I always knew that even a double cutting of fabric for my One Block Wonder (12 repeats) would not generate enough blocks for the size quilt I want (104’’ by 100’’).  I’ve had several ideas of how to increase the size, but it was very hard to tell whether or not I would like them.  I finally settled on the one idea I want to try (which I had discussed with Corinne….our teacher….before I ever made my first cut), and also came up with a (if I say so myself) brilliant idea of how to lay it out to see what it will look like without actually cutting/wasting any fabric.  So, I settled in with pen and paper to figure out if I have enough fabric left to do what I want….and I can’t find my left over fabric  :~(.  I did a cursory search… luck.  I did a deeper search….still no luck.  If you’ve seen my studio, you understand what this is not an easy proposition and why it would be easy to lose it.  I also don’t remember if I left it on the bolt….or if I took it off and folded it, meaning I would be looking for 2 different shapes.  I was leaning towards the ‘took it off and folded it’ option as I think I only had 2 – 3 yards left.  I decided to be systematic and take each stack of folded fabric off of my metal shelves and out to the pool table where I can look at each fabric in good light….I found it in the second stack of fabric!!!!!!  Now I just have to wait for UPS to open on Monday and put my plan into action….stay tuned!  I got out graph paper and laid out the size I want the quilt to be and will also draw in the dimension of just the top of the bed.  I’m going to sit with Michael on Sunday to get his opinion on things.  We ended up with Chinese for dinner and settled in to watch several episodes of Mrs Maisel.  Pam:

and Rosalie came by after 9 PM and we ‘introduced’ them to the ISS 

(International Space Station) flying overhead…that was neat  :~).

I have a question…and I mean it honestly….can someone who supports 

Trump please explain this quote to me: “Don’t forget, we have more cases 

than anybody in the world. But why? Because we do more testing,” Trump said. 

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong 

with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They [the 

media] don’t want to write that.”  

I’m sure the media doesn’t want to write that because it sounds totally 

stupid!  I know that anyone can say something stupid once in awhile….but 

with this president it just keeps happening over and over.  For those of 

you that support him….honestly, doesn’t that bother you?  If you want to 

read the text of the entire article and other quotes, here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like you had a VERY productive Saturday!! I really do love that tilted rectangle pattern.


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