Monday, May 11, 2020

smurfy breakfast, cool mom's day sign, customer quilt started and finished

We had a smurf-a-licious breakfast on Sunday (5/10): 

and by 11 AM I was in my studio.  Michael took off for a walk with Cookie and saw this in our neighbor’s yard:  

And Paula got me a picture with the aforementioned mom:

And I just read about this,then Michael saw one on his walk....people are painting rocks and sometimes writing an inspirational word on them, then putting them out in nature for people to find and smile:

I set up the pattern for the new customer quilt, wound my bobbins and kicked off stitching:  

Just in case you were wondering, de-clawing did not affect the kitty's abilities to race (and I do mean race) to the top of both of the over 6 feet tall cat trees:  

My honey came down to the studio in the afternoon and found out he wasn’t tee-ing off until after 9 AM…..that means he can make an omelet for breakfast on Monday…..and I said ‘‘WOW – you have a plethora of things to go with the omelet…you have a leftover waffle, freshly baked bread, popovers or cinnamon star bread’’…’s an embarrassment of riches  :~).  

By late afternoon I was finished quilting: 

and decided to take a bike ride as the temperature had warmed up (it was 42 degrees when I got up to take the dog out in the morning!!!)  Well, I tried to take a bike ride…..but even though my honey pumped up my tires before I left, and I was riding on a month old new tire, by the time I was 5 houses away, my brand new tire went totally flat!!!  It is very discouraging….I am actually trying to exercise and have been stymied almost every time I’ve gone out!!!  

I came back and relaxed on the lanair with my honey and 2 of our furry kids:  

Ethel - who LOVES this cat toy

A couple of weeks ago, my honey found a cool 3-D puzzle for us to work on and we finally started it:

It's like a Rube Goldberg puzzle, and we completed the first diagram of instructions before heading inside for dinner:

I had a tiny bit of leftover soup for dinner while Michael made himself a grilled ham & cheese sandwich, then I headed back downstairs to get 3-1/2 yards of backing loaded for the 2 men’s quilt tops I recently finished.  

Another one of my QoV’s was given out before this whole corona thing started, and I just got a picture of Don B who was in the Air Force:

As the country begins to open up, here is an excellent article on how you can continue to protect yourself, and where the likely places of infection are.   PLEASE take the time to read it:  

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