Sunday, April 21, 2019

the new longarm arrives!!!

Ann Mary & Jim (neighbors) took Cookie for a walk Saturday morning (4/20) and that was a blessing as Cookie too was going stir crazy!  Jim also picked up the quilt I finished yesterday….I believe it will be given out within a couple of days….hooray!!  I spent a nervous morning in my studio, trying to get ready for my longarm delivery  :~), but not without a smurfy breakfast from my honey:  

Michelle (my teacher) and her hubby Bob arrived at 10:30 

and didn’t leave until 5 PM!!!  

anxious kitties pacing, wanting to see what was happening downstairs!

DAD!!!  Let us down!!!

my 22 inch sew head

new leaders get added, batting bar already installed

curious kitties (finally allowed downstairs) check out everything!

we start stitching

look at those beautiful and perfect stitches!!

Even though Michelle and Bob did ALL of the work, I was just exhausted by the time they left.  I finished the rows I had linked together and just shut down everything.  Tomorrow is Easter and Monday morning, when I am alone with my instruction book, I will try to figure out how to start up my quilt again  :~).  I have to say….my stitches look SO VERY BEAUTIFUL…I can hardly believe it!  I sure hope over time I can figure out the software  :~).  

Michael and I finished up our Chinese for dinner and just snuggled on the couch for the rest of the night!


  1. Wowie, wow, wow. It sure looks BIG! Can't wait to see her in action !

  2. Congratulations ! I wish you MANY years of future Beautiful Quilts. The stitching looks fabulous !!


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