Monday, April 15, 2019

Sweet & Savory, MESIG Show & Tell, BBQ pizza for dinner

Michael was up at 6:30 AM on Monday (4/15) for golf while I didn’t roll out of bed until 7.  I got all of my emails done and my blog out, had a quick shower and kicked off my embroidery machine once again before sitting down at 9 AM to try to score a GREENWAY restaurant reservation.  Paula and I both (supposedly) scored a reservation….I say supposedly because last time we both thought we got one, but she got an email later in the day saying they had overbooked and were cancelling hers  :~(.  

After that I kicked off another embroidery nametag and continued to sew rows on my QoV on the design wall.  When I came upstairs to get ready to leave, Cookie was in what I call her ‘Cleopatra’ pose:  

just lolling about on the barge....

Paula picked me up just after 10 AM for SWEET & SAVORY.  The presenters were good: 

and the decorations were peeps on sticks (very spring-like :~):

We had virgin mimosas:  

along with3 appetizers (2 of the ham/egg/cheese variety and one of the crab on English Muffin variety: 

and a yummy dessert with a brownie base, cream cheese middle and chocolate chip cookie topping:  

Paula ran me over to HOBBY LOBBY after that (on the golf cart!!!), and then to ALDI’s and I got all of my groceries put away before heading out to MACHINE EMBROIDERY.  

Joyce taught us all how to make reading pillows and as usual, show and tell was awesome:  

look at Santa's clothing and bag...looks like fabric, not embroidery!

June N - a scarf from embroidery threads like you want to make!!

I came home and finished up my name tag for tomorrow, then with the second 1/2 of the roll dough from Saturday night, I made a BBQ chicken pizza:  

dough with thin layer of BBQ sauce

add red onion....can you tell which side is mine?

add shredded, cooked BBQ chicken

mostly smoked gouda with a bit of cheddar very good  :~)

I packed in the evening, then settled in with my honey.  I’ll be in Greenville, SC on Tuesday & Wednesday for training on my new longarm, and Michael has eye surgery at o’dark hundred on Thursday, so there may not be new blogs for a few days.

PS - and in unbelieveable news....Paula once again got an email saying they had overbooked and her reservation was cancelled!!!  This is just NOT RIGHT!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful work by all those embroiderers!!Michael


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