Friday, April 26, 2019

Show & Tell, Inez & baking

Michael got clearance from the doctor to get back to taking Cookie for a walk, so they headed out Thursday morning (4/25).  They stopped at the Lake House and got adorable pictures of a geese family:

Janice and I ventured out just after 9 AM to pick up Paula and continue on to quilting.  Janice fit right in: 

and said she had a wonderful time and people were very welcoming.  We had wonderful show and tell: 

Linda made this on a retreat

is this not adorable??

a quilt for a granddaughter

and here's the back

I think my friend Ginny has done some of these cat patterns

Two Quilts of Valor from the class I taught in January:

Gee with a stocking for a grandchild

and after a quick stop at the library, were home around 2 PM.  We spent the afternoon in the studio, continuing to work on the newest quilt, although we paused around 6 PM to put in a call to a technician.  My machine started making a low/grinding/buzz saw type of noise, so I took a movie of it (so that the technician could hear what was going on) and waited for a call back.  I finally heard back around 8 PM, but it was something that couldn't be fixed while I was in the middle of a row.  The tech assured me that the noise was not hurting my machine, so I finished my linked rows and shut down, figuring I'll call my dealer tomorrow.

Janice and I sewed for another hour or so, before heading upstairs to relax on the lanair with Michael.  It was wonderful just sitting out there, talking a bit and enjoying the weather.

My Florida friend Inez (just a teaser....don't forget....she'll be back for an all new week of "Baking with Inez - 2019" later in the year)  went all out on desserts for Easter dinner:

strawberry/rhubarb pie

lemon/coconut macaroons

blueberry pie, with blueberries she picked herself

Don't they all look just yummy??

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