Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ham/egg cups, new quilt basted, furry babies, Michael's newest card

It was another 6 AM morning for us on Monday (10/29).  Michael had an early tee time, so I stayed out of his way in the kitchen and got my emails read, my blog out, and 2 rows of quilting done before heading upstairs at 7:30.  

I decided to spend some time and make up a bunch of ham/egg cups for my upcoming breakfasts, so that’s what I did:  

prepping the broccoli

the cheese

and the eggs

I put ham slices in a muffin tin, then loaded in the broccoli

and added in some cheese

I poured in the eggs and baked for 20 minutes....voila:

They were YUMMY!!

After I got them all made (and ate 2!), I headed back down to my studio and by lunchtime my quilting was done on the first fish quilt:  

I got the second one basted:

I left only about an inch between quilts 1 and 2

and stopped to talk with Bev and take in another quilt from her.  After that I  headed back to my studio to begin quilting again.  While that was happening, I started to sew together the Quilt of Valor that is on my design wall.  

When my honey came home from golf, he spent time on the lanair with our furry babies:

Lucy - trying to look as long/tall as she possibly can!

and Ethel doing the same
Finally at 4:30 I crashed and took a quick nap.  I generally wake up between 3 AM and 5 AM every day…then I proceed to toss and turn and toss and turn and not get back to sleep.  Today and yesterday I finally said to myself “GET UP!” and so I did.  I figured I’d need a nap at some point, and this afternoon was the time.  This is a much better way to handle it than staying in bed, not sleeping, mind going a THOUSAND miles an hour!  After that we both had soup and cornbread for dinner and watched TV (and strung beads) for the rest of the evening.

My honey was excited about all of the items I donated to LASS to raise money for the animal shelter and he was wondering what he could do.  Do you think these cards with his pen & ink drawings would sell to animal lovers?

Isn't he incredibly talented???


  1. Those cards are beautiful. Also the ham cups would be a great breakfast for ff. Might make some.

  2. Yes I am sure the cards would sell. They look very professional.
    Question? What do you do with all the extra egg muffins? Freeze them?


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