Thursday, June 9, 2016

Michael left just after 7 AM for golf here at SCCL on Wednesday (6/8) while I spent the morning pulling quilts together.  I had a meeting with a potential client who wanted to see samples of my work.  Luckily I haven’t donated my finished Clinton quilts yet…so I took 4 of them, one patriotic and one of Leila’s quilts.  Of course Leila’s was the first one I showed because I knew it would make her smile….and it did (thanks Leila!!)  She liked my quilting on all of the other quilts and I think (hope) I get some work from her in the future.  I met Pat for lunch at Ruby Tuesdays afterwards and then had a horrible ride home…..traffic was bumper to bumper for 5 miles on the way home due to a new mega-church being build just off of route 521, so it was after 2:30 when I got home.  Pat stopped by to get a look at a new embroidery tool someone had loaned to me…and she took it home to use on her newly embroidered napkins.  I read a new library book for a bit and had several long phone conversations with Jan.   It seems like Walt has taken a turn for the worse and Jan was spending a lot of time at THE HAVEN.  Michael and I had leftovers for dinner and I SKYPED/talked with Janice for over an hour in the evening (SKYPE coverage was VERY spotty and we ended up just talking on the phone for most of it).  After that it was knitting and watching TV until bed.

1 comment:

  1. Fun quilts rock! Glad it got the smile you thought it would!


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