Monday, August 17, 2015

lions & tigers (no bears....oh my :-)

You know, our house (and my brain!) is pretty much a clearing house for stuff that one person is getting rid of that another person wants (that's what 8 plus years as a member of volunteers does for never turn any donation down because you can always find SOMEONE who needs it :~).  Our porch almost always has stuff on it that someone is picking up or dropping off…Michael never knows when he sees stuff whether it’s coming or going.  Anyway, I had a friend call to say she was getting rid of some leggos and some blocks and some puzzles and did I want them.  I immediately snatched them up for Clinton School and she delivered them to my porch on Saturday.  Michael packed them in the car, so Sunday morning (8/16) I ran them up to Debbie’s house (the 4th grade teacher), so that she could take them to school on Monday.  Michael was making his breakfast and getting ready to leave for golf by the time I got back (their regular Saturday golfing date got pushed to Sunday due to a tournament).  I had breakfast and read the paper before heading back to my studio.  I had my embroidery machine going for several hours, making more blocks, 

and decided to also work on cleaning up remnants of old projects.  I had piles of strips here and there in the studio and it’s hard for me to work when it’s not organized….so I took a step back and got a lot of things put away.  Michael came home in the afternoon, very pleased with the 87 he recorded for his score, and settled down to watch the end of the US OPEN.  Another friend called who is also cleaning out lots of toys, so she brought them by and I got them to another satisfied customer :~).  We finally had the first of the tomato sauce I made in the crockpot from our roma tomatoes, and Michael said he liked it even better than what I made last year…SCORE!  Around 8 PM Jan called to say that Walt was very confused and she needed a bit of help.  I spent the rest of the night in the emergency room with her and Walt.  We were finally home and all tucked up in our beds by 1 AM.

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