Friday, August 14, 2015

fabrics from Foust

I was up at o’dark hundred on Thursday morning (8/13) for my 7:30 appointment with the knee doctor.  The bad news is that I have arthritis and am bone on bone in both of my knees…the good news is…the doctor was looking at my x-rays and saw me walk in and he said “you obviously have a high tolerance for pain, so I think knee replacement is in your future, but with your pain tolderance it could be yearsand it’s up to you when it happens.”  I got a cortisone shot and headed off to quilting.   

The HUGE news from quilting is that I stitched the LAST appliqué/embroidered butterfly on my tulip quilt …. YAYAYAYAY!!!  I don’t know when it will actually be quilted, as I don’t think I have backing fabric that I like just yet….and I've put so much work into this that I don't want to slap just any old thing on the back...we will see.  I also got Donna F’s Christmas/winter quilt trimmed, so it is all ready for her to pick up when she returns from a mini-vacation.  After that I just knit for a bit and talked to a lot of people before heading home at 1 PM.  I made a quick fruit smoothie for lunch and at 1:30 we headed out to the eye doctor’s for pre-op stuff for Michael’s second cataract surgery next Tuesday.  By the time we got out of the office, it was 4 Pm and we were both starving, and it was the beginning of the rush hour, so we stopped at PIZZA HUT for dinner before heading home.  We got some kind of COCKA DOODLE DOO BACON pizza, and even Michael (who is a much bigger fan of red sauce) was surprised at how much he liked the Parmesan cream sauce on the pizza.  Rush hour traffic was still horrendous when we left, and we didn’t get home until 6 PM.  Michael wanted to get caught up on golf for a bit (the US OPEN started today), so I headed to the studio.

Mary Jo has been asking what I bought at the Foust sale, and I finally had time to take pictures.  I bought a bolt of orange batik, because whenever I try to do a rainbow quilt, orange is the color I never have in my stash.  And I want to continue to make rainbow quilts in a variety of patterns in the future.  I think they make cheerful kids quilts without necessarily having a kids fabric:

I also want to start making patriotic quilts in the fall (although this may be pushed back a bit…stay tuned for details :~), so originally had blue and red bolts on my list.  I had planned to use the 15 yards of cream tone-on-tone I bought in February for the third color, but as I mentioned a couple of days ago, I’m down to only 1-1/2 yards of that, so I bought another bolt.


I bought more black tone-on-tone and white tone-on-tone for all of us doing the illusions quilt at retreat (remember, you need 63 pieces of 5" by 10" colored fabric for a single bed sized quilt,,,of course I'm doing another rainbow one :~):

 Diane (one of the ladies in our car) found me a bolt of kids fabric (thanks Diane!)  Does it look familiar?  It should…it’s the same bolt that Pat W recently used to complete 2 Sterling School quilts…and I was thrilled to be able to buy it.

I got 2 bolts of tear-away, since I plan to continue embroidering animals to incorporate into kids quilts:

 They had some pretty colors of aqua tone-on-tone, but I didn’t want whole bolts, so I just found a few pieces of those colors:

I bought 2 tonga treats kits that June asked me to look for (I liked the colors as well and will be happy to keep them if she isn't crazy about them):

 …and also 8 small (20 cuts of fabric each)jelly rolls, 5 in one colorway and 3 in another:

And then I scored big time, buying the only bolt that wasn’t on my list.  I had a beautiful piece of batik from Mary Jo’s in a blue/purple/green colorway.  I put it on the back of the quilt on Michael’s chair, and also pieced the leftovers for a pillow in the living room.  I LOVED this fabric and wanted to buy it again to make a whole cloth quilted tablecloth for the kitchen.  Well, the last time Jan and I went to Mary Jo’s…she wasn’t carrying it anymore :~(, hence the 1/2 square triangle, pieced, fruit tablecloth you just saw recently.  So, now we’re at Foust and their batik offerings were incredibly small, but as I went around one end cap there was a bolt on the floor…I picked it up to put back on the shelf and OMword!!!!!  Here it is (exactly the colors of the previous piece from Mary Jo's, at 1/2 the price, with a slightly different patterning):

It is GORGEOUS!!!  So, I still see a pieced whole cloth tablecloth in my future for our kitchen table when it is at the extended length…and maybe a few other projects since these colors are TOTALLY mine :~)

I hope you all liked this virtual tour of my shopping spree.  Yes, my credit card was SMOKIN', but I LOVE everything and was really glad I had my list to follow.  I finally headed upstairs at 9 PM and Michael and I read for a bit before bed.

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