Grab a cup of coffee and sit back...we've got a lot of catching up to do!
got a slow start to the day on Friday (5/24) relaxing on the lanair and
reading, but eventually Janice headed out on errands and I headed to the
studio. My goal was to get my customer
quilt off of the frame and all cleaned up, so that was the first thing I
finished. Julie came by around lunchtime
to pick it up:
and seemed very pleased
with it. I worked on this and that in the afternoon and also continued to make HST's for my hourglass quilt, while Janice made more blocks for her current quilt and started her layout:
wanted to get dinner for us all, so we all opted for Chinese from TIEN TIEN, while
watching BOOK CLUB (that I got from the library). It was a great evening!
honey left for golf Saturday morning (5/25), while I woke up to no
internet :~(. There was a WINDOWS update overnight, which
knocked my computer for a loop. I called
Matthew (computer guy) and got more bad news….he can’t come until maybe late
Tuesday afternoon to fix it….AND, by the end of the year all computers need to
be upgraded to WINDOWS 10. My computer
is still on WINDOWS 7, because anything newer will mean my embroidery software
does not work :~(. Oh well, not being able to get on the
internet for a few days should (theoretically) make me more productive :~). To
that end…I picked up another customer quilt from Sandy D on Wednesday and got
it loaded and basted in the morning:
this is a STUNNING scrap quilt |
set up the program and started to stitch it out, but while Janice and I were
having a late lunch, Michael came home (with an 84) and announced that there
were thunderstorms in the area, so I shut everything down.
Shortly after that, the thunder moved in! Anne came over for a long visit, and we
finally had leftover Chinese for dinner before setting in to a tiny bit more
sewing before TV watching. Ethel has firmly claimed the to-be-bound pile as her current favorite napping place:
was waffles Sunday morning (5/26) once Janice got back from church:
And after that I started a frenzy of baking….orange
sugar cookies, then the giant chocolate chip cookies:
and another run of the
Mississippi Mud Brownies…all for my honey to take on his Pinehurst trip.
I found a box to send all of the cookies in and of course, Lucy had to check it out:
I didn’t make it downstairs until 3 PM, and I
sewed a bit on my disappearing hourglass, and got the program set up and started a stitch out on Sandy's quilt:
Dennis blew in before 5 PM (he must have been up at 4 AM and flew like
the wind!)
drove Michael up to Ralph’s house early Monday morning (5/27) and 12 guys took off
for their 4 days at Pinehurst.
Janice and I headed on down to Paula’s at 9 AM for the golf cart Memorial Day
When we came home I continued to
quilt on Sandy’s quilt, and work on my HST’s for the disappearing hourglass….it’s
going to take awhile since I need over 300 of them :~).
Janice & Dennis headed out to RED ROCKS CAFÉ for dinner and I sewed until 9 PM, then headed upstairs to
relax and read my book.
& Dennis were up early Tuesday morning (5/28) and were out of the house by
10 AM:
on their way to the coast. They
had a pre-closing walkthrough at 2 PM and wanted to be there in plenty of time. I continued to spend the day quilting and
making HST’s for my hourglass blocks. Matt swung by in the late afternoon and finally fixed my computer :~). I finally finished the quilting on Sandy's quilt aroun 8 PM and headed upstairs to relax, have dinner and watch a bit of TV.