Wednesday, June 7, 2017

rental car

So, I did want to tell you about our rental car on our trip.  I went over and got the car all signed out….I heard the gal say that we were getting a Camry and I was totally excited (I still miss my old one!!!)  We went out to the space and I keep pressing the key fob…no go….Michael says “this isn’t a Camry”, then we realize we’re looking at Hertz cars and we rented with Avis.  It’s a tiny airport and all of the cars are parked right in the same place.  We turn to look at the other string of cars and Michael says “look at this one…totally cool….too bad that isn’t ours”…I point the fob at the car….yep…it’s ours!  I jumped the gun, when the gal said “cam”, I guess I supplied the “ry” instead of “ero”….yep….we had the Hawaii 5-0 car…a silver Camero!  

OMgosh….when we were sitting down we were riding 4 inches off of the pavement I swear!  Absolutely NO room in the backseat (I still don’t know how Marc wedged himself AND a folding chair in there on the way to the fair).  Getting out of the car, your butt was always lower than your knee!!!  Michael finally said “I think we can get out of it easier if we kind of roll out”….I say “yes….I can see myself rolling out and face-planting right on the pavement”!  All things considered, I just have one more thing to say about the car….my honey DID look like a “hottie” driving it  :~).

Michael headed out to breakfast with his buds on Tuesday morning (6/6), while I headed over to pick up the dog.  She really loves staying with Cindy….but of course there’s nothing like home…she raced to the car.  Michael headed out on errands after that (chiro, Southern Spirits (to order a case of champagne for our deck warming parties…we think we have to have 3 separate ones!!!), CVS and the grocery store.  I finally got my flower seeds planted before heading to my studio.  I basically putzed the day away!  I finished up a few hand stitching details on the last patriotic quilt so that now I have 4 to go to the VFW.  I ironed the top and backing for a Quilt of Valor that I will quilt as a charity quilt for a friend and I talked a lot with my honey when he got back from his errands.  Just before 3 PM I picked up Susan and we headed off to our TWO HOUR!!!  Lifestyle meeting.  When I got home I took another hour and got the minutes all typed up and sent out and my honey rewarded me with this:  

We had PAPA MURPHY’s pizza for dinner (champagne goes with pizza....right?) and watched TV until 8:30 when Paula stopped by for a visit.  We went out and sat on the porch and talked and talked and talked!!!  She finally looked at her watch and said “oh my, it’s 10 PM and Doug will be wondering where I am”…just then Michael opened the slider to hand her the phone….yep…it was Doug.  She headed on home and Michael and I watched a bit more TV before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. VA VA VOOM . Was driving a sports car ever on his bucket list?


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