Tuesday, July 7, 2015

student pizza

Michael left for golf early on Monday (7/6).  He eventually came home with 2 birdies and a score of 88, so he was very happy.  I spent the morning in my studio, working on a fabulous new project that I can’t show you  :~(.  This project is a gift that will eventually be given to people who read the blog…so it will have to remain a mystery for the time being…suffice it to say it involves embroidery and it is SO COOL!!!  I picked up Paula at 12:15 and we headed up to the Lake House for a cooking demo.  Paula packed a lunch for us….’mater sammichs (SO VERY GOOD!!!) chips and blond brownies for dessert.  She even brought cold bottles of water (she is so on top of stuff!)  Our demo was put on by graduates of Johnson & Wales (a cooking school in Charlotte).  They made Crème Brulee, cheesecake, a fruit topping and chocolate ganache.  Everything was heavenly.  When I got home Michael and I talked for a bit, I embroidered for a bit, then headed over to Jeannie’s to pick up a camera for the week.  We took a quick trip to WENDY”S, then I headed back home to continue working in my studio until 9 PM, when I headed upstairs to be with my honey.
One of my bread students sent me a picture of what she did with the second portion of her dough....YUM!!!  Wish I had been there to sample it:
 I must admit....that's always MY favorite way to use up leftover dough!

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