Tuesday, March 17, 2015

mile-a-minute blocks, zentangle card

Michael left by 8:15 on Monday (3/16) for golf at Springfield (coming home in the afternoon VERY happy with an 87) and I spent 2 hours of the morning working on my computer, and packing up for the day.  One of my friends recently gently chastised me about the lack of reviews on fish sandwiches!  In my defense, while the thought to test all of the chain restaurant fish sandwiches was good….I’m having a real problem with execution.  It is VERY rare that I am away from home at lunch time….but today was the day!  I had a volunteer meeting in the morning, so I left at 10 AM for that.  We were done by 11:30 and I hit Wendy’s for….their FISH SANDWICH!!!  Getting cheese on the sandwich was extra, but the sandwich was excellent.  They put these crispy dill pickle slices on it which added a nice flavor.  There was a nice big piece of lettuce, but no tomato.  Then I was off to Pineville to pick up a quilt…unfortunately the owner wasn’t there, so it was back to the Lake House for a meeting of the machine embroidery club.  The president wasn’t there, and she asked me to run the meeting, and I think we all had a good time…there was LOTS of fabulous show and tell.  Then it was back to Pineville to pick up a quilt to be quilted.  I don’t usually run a pickup service, but this woman is 92 (but she looks 70!!!  OMgoodness…I think she could see it on my face when I went to shake her hand and she said “you were expecting some old lady” and I said “I absolutely was….you don’t look a day over 70!!") and I don’t think she is driving any longer.  Anyway, we had a lovely talk and I now have another quilt to do.  I asked if I could take a picture of her and the quilt when I deliver it and she agreed.  She does lots of charity work….both quilting AND knitting.  I was home by 4:30 and got caught up on emails then made a smurfy dinner (Paula….that means it was extra good  :~) of pasta tossed with tomatoes, pesto and parmesan cheese, and a big salad.  Michael took off for Pineville after dinner (some people in Pineville are trying to start up a theatre group and he went to the informational meeting), and I spent the evening starting to quilt my second rainbow quilt.  I also managed to complete a few more mile-a-minute blocks:

 Michael was drawing over the weekend, and completed another zentangle card:

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