Wednesday, March 25, 2015

butterflies, mile-a-minute blocks, Cookie, buns

Michael got an unexpected invite to golf on Tuesday (3/24) at Springfield, so he left at 8:30.  I spent the morning embroidering more butterflies (I need TONS, so this is going to go on for quite awhile) 

to appliqué onto my tulip quilt, and working on more mile-a-minute blocks (to clean up the scraps under my sewing table). 

  When I came upstairs to heat up  my tea, I discovered this

 Apparently Michael made the bed before Cookie was done with it….so she decided snuggling in between my pillows was the best she could do!  I was ready at 11 when Pat came to pick me up for the first meeting of our new martini club.  I’ve been asked to join a martini club, and we went out to lunch today (with martinis!) to talk over how we want the club to work.  We had lots of good ideas, and Alice (the leader of our merry band….very merry indeed after mango or raspberry martinis) took excellent notes before the martinis started flowing.  She’s going to type them up and send out to everyone (3 of the ladies couldn’t make it) and then we will settle on what we are doing.  I was home by 2 and continued to embroider and sew.  Michael came home around 3 with a dreadful score (95), but he still beat the guy he was playing with.  I made buns 

and we had sloppy joes for dinner, then he left to see DIVERGENT with Larry, while I stayed home and bonded with Sally and Jeannie who came over for the evening.


  1. I'm not a butterfly fan, but those are just GORGEOUS !!! (mj in ct)

  2. PS.... and the buns look delicious !!! (mj in ct)


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