Monday, September 16, 2013


I was up early Sunday morning (9/15) to put together the Spanish coffee cake to take over to Sally and Jimmy.  They invited everyone they knew to a breakfast to thank them for visiting/praying/cooking/whatever for the family over this past year.    So many people asked me for the recipe for the coffee cake that I sent it out to the entire distribution list!  When we got home, Michael headed over to Gale & Phil’s to hopefully get our vacuum cleaner fixed.  Some of the prongs on the hose plug got bent and we ordered a new top, which was supposed to come with directions, but didn’t  L.  I spent over an hour on the internet with Sears on Saturday and finally got directions.  But the time Michael came home, they got the vacuum cleaner to work, but just barely.  Anyway, Ann Mary came over for a quick lesson on dough (she really didn’t understand how I weigh all of my baking ingredients now and I told her I had to make pizza dough…so to come over when she got home), and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the studio, working on the new shawls.  Paula stopped by to borrow some turmeric (I guessed that she was making pickles, ‘cause I don’t know what else you would use it for J) and I warned her that it would stain all of her towels if she got it on them.  We had pizza for dinner (with mushrooms on 1/2 for Michael) :

and Michael left at 6 for a rehearsal that kept him out until 11!!  We were both beat and went immediately to bed.

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