Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Paula & I SCORE!, new Valor layout

After having breakfast on the deck (an increasingly common occurrence) Michael left at 9 AM for golfing at Edgewater on Monday (7/3)…he already told me he wouldn’t want dinner since they would stop somewhere on the way home.  I headed out to the library first thing since more of my books were in, then came home to be picked up by Paula so that we could head off to Joann’s.  She bought fabric for TWO Valor quilts: 

and I scored 2 FULL bolts of fleece for my own Valor/Clinton quilts:  

That’s the good news….the bad news is I will have to add 16 “bought” yards to my stash spreadsheet…..oh well…I’ve been using a lot lately and 60% off of fleece was too good to pass up  :~).  We had lunch at Steak & Shake (a place I’ve always wanted to go to but never have) and after a quick stop at WALMART (Paula needed champagne for her 4th of July brunch tomorrow) we headed home.  We were home by 2:30 and I sat and read for just a bit as I finished the peach milkshake Paula bought for me (YAY, they are at Chick-fil-a), but finally I headed downstairs to quilt and sew (I know, I know…the same thing I do practically EVERY day….I’m not sure why you people read this blog…don’t you get tired of hearing it!??!?!)  My honey came home at 4:30….very unhappy with his score of 90 (including 3 penalty shots), but very happy about his 1 birdie…..so I guess everything evened out  :~).  Neither one of us was interested in dinner, so I sewed until 8 PM.  I finished quilting on the Clinton quilt:  

And started to sew together my 4 patches for a new Valor quilt.  Please look at the following 2 pictures and vote on which one you like better, or let me know if you really don’t prefer one over the other.  

left layout

right layout

I’ll sew it together using majority vote. 


  1. I can't see any difference in the layout, other than the focus fabric stripes going vertical or horizontal. The vertical looks more pleasing.

  2. I like the 'left' layout...


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