Friday, January 30, 2015

selfie!, mile-a-minute squares, snow a duex, Gordon's quilt

Michael and I got up at o'dark hundred on Thursday (1/29) to make it to the airport by 6 AM.  He went to breakfast on the way home, while I flew to Providence RI where BG was supposed to pick me up.  I say supposed to because we did have a delay taking off (mechanical problem) and she was watching the status on her phone.  She knew there was a delay, but by the time the airline indicated that I was actually in the air.....BG was an hour away and I was by then landing in 1/2 an hour.  We eventually connected
our first selfie
and she made it up to me by buying paczki's on the way home!!!!!  We sat at her dining room table, having lunch and solving all of the problems of the world until 2:30, when we finally settled down to sew.  We basically sewed until 10 PM, with a break for a fabulous dinner of roast pork.  I got a bunch of mile-a-minute quilt blocks done
while she sewed rows together on a quilt..
We were up at 7 on Friday (1/30)  and sat and talked at the dining room table until 10 when we finally roused ourselves to take showers and head out to QUILTING BY THE YARD....a fabulous quilt shop in my old stomping grounds (Vernon).  I got a bunch of new quilt patterns....and scored some beautiful fabric as well, then it was off to REINS for FABULOUS Rueben sandwiches and oh so yummy fries :~).  We stopped at a local sewing store and I got a 1/4 inch foot without a flange for my sewing machine, then headed for home.  I asked BG to stop and let me get a few shots my South Carolina readers could appreciate. 

Then it was back to sewing until 10 PM again, with a stop at 7 for chicken for dinner.  By the end of the night, BG had completed this
a quilt for her grandson Gordon
 and I had completed 70  3-1/2 inch mile-a-minute squares.


1 comment:

  1. great blog entry !!! It was sooooo great to see everyone ! I love those mile a minute squares. Gordon's quilt is so colorful - perfect for a grandson... Miss you already.... (mj in ct)


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