Wednesday, January 7, 2015

12 th day of Christmas and a reprise of all of the other days....

On the 12th day after Christmas (Tuesday, 1/6)my honey let me be…the result i-is what you now see:
A quick and dirty project….which in no way makes it less valuable.  I had to come up with something else after Miss Scarlett let me down, and this is actually something to use ON Miss Scarlett.  I've been thinking about it for over a month, but never wanted to take the time to make it.  Anyway, when you are long arming, you are constantly reaching for scissors and a seam ripper…and there’s no convenient place on the machine to store them….so I made a little pouch to hold both on the front of the machine…a ribbon goes around my display screen and holds it on.  I definitely made it “tight” because the machine vibrates a LOT when it is sewing and I don’t want anything to fall out.  I can’t wait to see how it works.  And I should see soon because my new cable came on Tuesday and I just have to get it hooked up. 
Anyway...just like the's a reprise....
day 11 - quilting done on new bed quilt for Sterling School...
day 10 - wool hat for Pine Ridge reservation...
day 9 - new pillow for living room couch...and you just have to visit because this picture does NOT show the absolutely gorgeous colors accurately...
day 8 - basting a quilt for BG.  Her aunt made it long ago, and BG will tie it...

day 7 - 5 humbug bags...
day 6 - kleenix bog quilt for Sterling School, bound and labeled...
day 5 - quilting done on kleenix box quilt...

day 4 - BG's tie dye quilt is quilted....
day 3 - the last food day....dipped oreos and sugared pecans got done...
day 2 - first charity quilt for Sterling School...
day 1 - my honey's Christmas present.....

The “12 days after Christmas” was a wonderful experiment, and I’m glad I did it…it is lovely to have all of those finished projects…but before you ask…no, I’m not doing it next year because frankly…I’m exhausted :~).  If I didn't have a life at all, it would be easier to do the projects....but at least one of the days, I wasn't home from 10 AM until 6:30 PM...and it's a real scramble to get something done in that short amount of time!  Hope you enjoyed singing along with me...
In other news, Michael left at 7:30 AM for his dentist appointment, and Jan picked me up just after 10 for a run to Michael’s.  She wanted some baskets for her house, and I just went along for the ride.  We stopped at Papa Murphy’s and got pizzas for dinner, and at Publix for some chicken sausage on sale.  I got home in time to exchange all of the news with Michael for 5 minutes before Joanne picked me up for Stitch and Chat.  I took the 2 school donation quilts…and also re-took Michael’s, since some many people weren’t there last week.  I think Michael’s quilt was still the clear favorite!  I got home just after 3 and spent some happy hours with my sewing machine before dinner.   We had our yummy pizza for dinner, then Michael and Larry left to see THE GAMBLER, and Barb and Gail and Sally came over to solve the problems of the world (and maybe do a little knitting!)  It was a lovely evening and when Michael got home around 10:30, we watched TV and talked for just a bit before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the 12 days of Christmas ! I looked forward to each day....
    (MJ in CT)


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